A simple functional implementation of the Minikanren language in Elixir.
The package can be installed by adding reason
to your list of
dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:reason, git: "https://github.com/obivan/reason.git", tag: "v0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc
by running mix docs
Only the Reason
module needs to be imported by the client code.
All other modules contain private implementation details.
miniKanren is a family of programming languages for relational programming. Unlike functions, relations are bidirectional. If miniKanren is given an expression and a desired output, miniKanren can run the expression "backward", finding all possible inputs to the expression that produce the desired output.
To distinguish between functions and relations, when we declare a
relation we conventionally use the suffix o
or e
For example, let's suppose we have an append
function that takes two
lists as arguments, adds the contents of the second list to the end of
the first list, and returns the resulting concatenated list.
Let's define an appendo
relation that will relate the arguments and
the result. Relations are defined by using the macro defrel
defmodule MyRelations do
import Reason
defrel appendo(l, s, out) do
conde do
_ ->
identical(l, [])
identical(s, out)
[a, d, res] ->
identical([a | d], l)
identical([a | res], out)
appendo(d, s, res)
We can use the relation in the same way as the append
function - to concatenate lists.
iex> import Reason
run q do
MyRelations.appendo([1, 2], [:a, :b, :c], q)
# => [[1, 2, :a, :b, :c]]
But we can also use a relation to, for example, generate all possible pairs of lists, which when concatenated will produce a given list:
iex> import Reason
run [x, y] do
MyRelations.appendo(x, y, [:a, :b, :c])
# => [
[[], [:a, :b, :c]],
[[:a], [:b, :c]],
[[:a, :b], [:c]],
[[:a, :b, :c], []]
Or we can use appendo
to infer the list x
that, when prepended to the list [:d, :e], produces [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e]:
iex> import Reason
run x do
MyRelations.appendo(x, [:d, :e], [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e])
# => [[:a, :b, :c]]
For further reading, see http://minikanren.org
Now let's look at the solution to one of the Zebra Puzzle variations as an example. The formulation of the riddle is as follows:
There are five houses in a row and in five different colors. In each house lives a person from a different country. Each person drinks a certain drink, plays a certain sport, and keeps a certain pet. No two people drink the same drink, play the same sport, or keep the same pet.
- The Brit lives in a red house
- The Swede keeps dogs
- The Dane drinks tea
- The green house is on the left of the white house
- The green house owner drinks coffee
- The person who plays polo rears birds
- The owner of the yellow house plays hockey
- The man living in the house right in the center drinks milk
- The Norwegian lives in the first house
- The man who plays baseball lives next to the man who keeps cats
- The man who keeps horses lives next to the one who plays hockey
- The man who plays billiards drinks beer
- The German plays soccer
- The Norwegian lives next to the blue house
Who owns the fish? Who drinks water?
defmodule ZebraPuzzle do
import Reason
# We represent a street as a list of houses, so we need a
# relation `membero` that knows if an element is in the list.
# It is defined through the helper relations `hdo` and `tlo`
# by analogy with `hd/1` and `tl/1`.
defrel membero(x, l) do
conde do
_ ->
hdo(l, x)
t ->
tlo(l, t)
membero(x, t)
defrel hdo(l, x) do
fresh(t, do: identical([x | t], l))
defrel tlo(l, x) do
fresh(h, do: identical([h | x], l))
# We also need a relation relating the house number to its position
# in the list, with which we represent the street
# (for facts number 8 and 9).
defrel nth_houseo(n, street, house) do
fresh [h1, h2, h3, h4, h5] do
identical([:street, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5], street)
conde do
_ -> [identical(n, 1), identical(house, h1)]
_ -> [identical(n, 2), identical(house, h2)]
_ -> [identical(n, 3), identical(house, h3)]
_ -> [identical(n, 4), identical(house, h4)]
_ -> [identical(n, 5), identical(house, h5)]
# A relation determining that one house is to the left of the other
defrel to_the_left_of(house_a, house_b, street) do
fresh [h1, h2, h3, h4, h5] do
identical([:street, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5], street)
conde do
_ -> [identical(h1, house_a), identical(h2, house_b)]
_ -> [identical(h2, house_a), identical(h3, house_b)]
_ -> [identical(h3, house_a), identical(h4, house_b)]
_ -> [identical(h4, house_a), identical(h5, house_b)]
# And the relation that determines the fact of the neighborhood
defrel next_to(x, y, l) do
disj(do: [to_the_left_of(x, y, l), to_the_left_of(y, x, l)])
# We can now carefully describe the declarative solution
defrel solve(street) do
conj do
# There are five houses
fresh [h1, h2, h3, h4, h5] do
identical([:street, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5], street)
# Brit lives in red house
fresh [pet, drink, sport] do
membero([:house, :brit, :red, pet, drink, sport], street)
# Swede keeps dogs
fresh [color, drink, sport] do
membero([:house, :swede, color, :dogs, drink, sport], street)
# Dane drinks tea
fresh [color, pet, sport] do
membero([:house, :dane, color, pet, :tea, sport], street)
# Green house owner drinks coffee
fresh [nationality, pet, sport] do
membero([:house, nationality, :green, pet, :coffee, sport], street)
# Polo player rears birds
fresh [nationality, color, drink] do
membero([:house, nationality, color, :birds, drink, :polo], street)
# Yellow house owner plays hockey
fresh [nationality, pet, drink] do
membero([:house, nationality, :yellow, pet, drink, :hockey], street)
# Billiad player drinks beer
fresh [nationality, color, pet] do
membero([:house, nationality, color, pet, :beer, :billiard], street)
# German plays soccer
fresh [color, pet, drink] do
membero([:house, :german, color, pet, drink, :soccer], street)
# Center house owner drinks milk
fresh [nationality, color, pet, sport] do
nth_houseo(3, street, [:house, nationality, color, pet, :milk, sport])
# Norvegian in first house
fresh [color, pet, drink, sport] do
nth_houseo(1, street, [:house, :norvegian, color, pet, drink, sport])
# Green house left of white house
fresh [nationality1, pet1, drink1, sport1, nationality2, pet2, drink2, sport2] do
[:house, nationality1, :green, pet1, drink1, sport1],
[:house, nationality2, :white, pet2, drink2, sport2],
# Baseball player lives next to cat owner
fresh [nationality1, color1, pet1, drink1, nationality2, color2, drink2, sport2] do
[:house, nationality1, color1, pet1, drink1, :baseball],
[:house, nationality2, color2, :cats, drink2, sport2],
# Hockey player lives next to horse owner
fresh [nationality1, color1, pet1, drink1, nationality2, color2, drink2, sport2] do
[:house, nationality1, color1, pet1, drink1, :hockey],
[:house, nationality2, color2, :horses, drink2, sport2],
# Norvegian lives next to blue house
fresh [color1, pet1, drink1, sport1, nationality2, pet2, drink2, sport2] do
[:house, :norvegian, color1, pet1, drink1, sport1],
[:house, nationality2, :blue, pet2, drink2, sport2],
# Somebody owns the fish
fresh [color, drink, sport, nationality] do
membero([:house, nationality, color, :fish, drink, sport], street)
# Somebody drinks water
fresh [nationality, color, pet, sport] do
membero([:house, nationality, color, pet, :water, sport], street)
And now we can find out the solution:
iex> import Reason
run q do
# => [
[:house, :norvegian, :yellow, :cats, :water, :hockey],
[:house, :dane, :blue, :horses, :tea, :baseball],
[:house, :brit, :red, :birds, :milk, :polo],
[:house, :german, :green, :fish, :coffee, :soccer],
[:house, :swede, :white, :dogs, :beer, :billiard]
- Relational arithmetic
- Elixir program synthesis capabilities (
, quines generation) - Impure operators (like
) - First-order miniKanren representation
- Time and memory limited execution