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Notification Type: After Entries Expire

objectivehtml edited this page Dec 20, 2014 · 4 revisions


This notification type allows you to send notifications after entries have expired. You have a few options to control when these notifications are sent, and how many times each entry should trigger a notification. This notification type will only trigger when there are expired entries that haven't received a notification in the specified duration.

You can use the notification schedule to determine when these emails should (like on a specific day of the week for example). If no schedule is used, this notification will fire whenever the CRON job sends the request. No email will send if there are no expired entries. When there are expired entries but there is no schedule, the emails will send immediately with each request.

Elapsed time since entry expired

Enter a relative timestamp like "-1 week", or "-1 month". This will be calculated from the current time to get the entries that have expired before this elapsed time. Any value supported by the strtotime() function should work here.

Send Total

Enter the amount of time a notification should be sent for each expired entry. If no value is entered, a message will sent for each expired entry every time the notification is triggered. If you use the default value of 1, then each expired entry will only receive 1 notification.



In addition to the global variables, you have access to the entry variable that is expired. This variable contains EntryModel instance, so it will parse like any other entry would.