@ ME !! -- I have developed this application to learn Planetscale database service platform with addition to write my first blog post. I would like to invite every reader to review my code and add your lively comments. Please get in touch @ Twitter
- Clone the repo from -
- Create & setup Planetscale account.
- Configure .env constants -
- HOST_NAME: with Next.JS to perform API call and inject response as props to the component we need to perform API calls with absolute URL, to build absolute URL application uses HOST_NAME.
- JWT_SECRET_KEY: application generates JWT token with passcode combination. In the process of generating token application uses JWT_SECRET_KEY
Application launches with retrospective selection screen providing either create new retro team or join previously registered retro team by submitting relative passcode.
- At pages folder index.js, presents the launch screen as default route "/".
- After selecting retro with passcode the application redirects to join retro screen allowing users to register or select by identity to join retro.
- Once user joins the retro, application navigates to retro board screen allowing users to pen their scrum experiences. The retro board displays a refresh options to update board with other user comments.