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functorized small integer libraries
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jvanburen committed Dec 19, 2024
1 parent 3dfddc4 commit 03f9cc8
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions otherlibs/stdlib_beta/.ocamlformat-enable
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
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319 changes: 319 additions & 0 deletions otherlibs/stdlib_beta/
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@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* The OCaml programmers *)
(* Jacob Van Buren, Jane Street, New York *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* Copyright 2024 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)


include Stdlib.Int

let int_size = Sys.int_size
let[@inline available] of_int t = t
let[@inline available] to_int t = t
let[@inline available] unsigned_to_int t = t

let[@inline available] unsigned_compare n m =
compare (sub n min_int) (sub m min_int)

let[@inline] unsigned_lt n m =
sub n min_int < sub m min_int

(* Unsigned division from signed division of the same bitness.
See Warren Jr., Henry S. (2013). Hacker's Delight (2 ed.), Sec 9-3.
let[@inline available] unsigned_div n d =
if d < zero then
if unsigned_lt n d then zero else one
let q = shift_left (div (shift_right_logical n 1) d) 1 in
let r = sub n (mul q d) in
if unsigned_lt r d then q else succ q

let[@inline available] unsigned_rem n d =
sub n (mul ((unsigned_div[@inlined]) n d) d)

let seeded_hash seed x = Stdlib.Hashtbl.seeded_hash seed (x : int)
let hash x = Stdlib.Hashtbl.hash (x : int)

module type S = sig
(** Signed {n}-bit tagged integer values.
These integers are {n} bits wide and use two's complement representation.
All operations are taken modulo 2{^n}. They do not fail on overflow. *)

(** {1:ints n-bit Integers} *)

(** The type for n-bit integer values. *)
type t

(** The number of bits in an integer of type {!t}. *)
val int_size : int

val zero : t

val one : t

val minus_one : t

val neg : t -> t

val add : t -> t -> t

val sub : t -> t -> t

val mul : t -> t -> t

(** Integer division. This division rounds the real quotient of
its arguments towards zero, as specified for {!Stdlib.(/)}.
@raise Division_by_zero if the second argument is zero. *)
val div : t -> t -> t

(** Same as {!div}, except that arguments and result are interpreted as {e
unsigned} integers. *)
val unsigned_div : t -> t -> t

(** Integer remainder. If [y] is not zero, [rem x y = sub x (mul (div x y)
y)]. If [y] is zero, [rem x y] raises [Division_by_zero]. *)
val rem : t -> t -> t

(** Same as {!rem}, except that arguments and result are interpreted as {e
unsigned} integers. *)
val unsigned_rem : t -> t -> t

(** [succ x] is [add x 1]. *)
val succ : t -> t

(** [pred x] is [sub x 1]. *)
val pred : t -> t

(** [abs x] is the absolute value of [x]. That is [x] if [x] is positive and
[neg x] if [x] is negative. {b Warning.} This may be negative if the
argument is {!min_int}. *)
val abs : t -> t

(** [max_int] is the greatest representable integer,
[2{^[int_size - 1]} - 1]. *)
val max_int : t

(** [min_int] is the smallest representable integer,
[-2{^[int_size - 1]}]. *)
val min_int : t

(** Bitwise logical and. *)
val logand : t -> t -> t

(** Bitwise logical or. *)
val logor : t -> t -> t

(** Bitwise logical exclusive or. *)
val logxor : t -> t -> t

(** Bitwise logical negation. *)
val lognot : t -> t

(** [shift_left x n] shifts [x] to the left by [n] bits. The result
is unspecified if [n < 0] or [n >= ]{!int_size}. *)
val shift_left : t -> int -> t

(** [shift_right x n] shifts [x] to the right by [n] bits. This is an
arithmetic shift: the sign bit of [x] is replicated and inserted
in the vacated bits. The result is unspecified if [n < 0] or
[n >=]{!int_size}. *)
val shift_right : t -> int -> t

(** [shift_right x n] shifts [x] to the right by [n] bits. This is a
logical shift: zeroes are inserted in the vacated bits regardless
of the sign of [x]. The result is unspecified if [n < 0] or
[n >=]{!int_size}. *)
val shift_right_logical : t -> int -> t

(** {1:preds Predicates and comparisons} *)

(** [equal x y] is [true] if and only if [x = y]. *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool

(** [compare x y] is {!}[ x y] but more efficient. *)
val compare : t -> t -> int

(** Same as {!compare}, except that arguments are interpreted as {e unsigned} integers. *)
val unsigned_compare : t -> t -> int

(** Return the lesser of the two arguments. *)
val min : t -> t -> t

(** Return the greater of the two arguments. *)
val max : t -> t -> t

(** {1:convert Converting} *)

(** [to_int x] is [x] as an {!int}. If [int_size > Sys.int_size], the topmost
bits will be lost in the conversion *)
val to_int : t -> int

(** [of_int x] truncates the representation of [x] to fit in {!t}. *)
val of_int : int -> t

(** Same as {!to_int}, but interprets the argument as an {e unsigned} integer. *)
val unsigned_to_int : t -> int

(** [to_float x] is [x] as a floating point number. *)
val to_float : t -> float

(** [of_float x] truncates [x] to an integer. The result is
unspecified if the argument is [nan] or falls outside the range of
representable integers. *)
val of_float : float -> t

(** [to_string x] is the written representation of [x] in decimal. *)
val to_string : t -> string

(** A seeded hash function for ints, with the same output value as
{!Hashtbl.seeded_hash}. This function allows this module to be passed as
argument to the functor {!Hashtbl.MakeSeeded}. *)
val seeded_hash : int -> t -> int

(** An unseeded hash function for ints, with the same output value as
{!Hashtbl.hash}. This function allows this module to be passed as argument
to the functor {!Hashtbl.Make}. *)
val hash : t -> int

module Narrow
(Container : S) (Spec : sig
type t

val int_size : int

val inject : t -> Container.t

val unchecked_project : Container.t -> t
end) : S with type t := Spec.t = struct
include Spec

let () = assert (0 < int_size && int_size <= Container.int_size)

let unused_bits = Container.int_size - int_size

let[@inline] sign_extend i =
(Container.shift_right (Container.shift_left i unused_bits) unused_bits)

let[@inline] project i =
let t = sign_extend i in
if Container.equal i (inject t) then Some t else None

let[@inline] zero_extend t =
(Container.shift_left (inject t) unused_bits)

let zero = sign_extend

let one = sign_extend

let minus_one = sign_extend Container.minus_one

let[@inline available] neg x = sign_extend (Container.neg (inject x))

let[@inline available] add x y =
sign_extend (Container.add (inject x) (inject y))

let[@inline available] sub x y =
sign_extend (Container.sub (inject x) (inject y))

let[@inline available] mul x y =
sign_extend (Container.mul (inject x) (inject y))

let[@inline available] div x y =
sign_extend (Container.div (inject x) (inject y))

let[@inline available] rem x y =
sign_extend (Container.rem (inject x) (inject y))

let[@inline available] succ x = sign_extend (Container.succ (inject x))

let[@inline available] pred x = sign_extend (Container.pred (inject x))

let[@inline available] abs x = sign_extend (Container.abs (inject x))

let[@inline available] equal x y = Container.equal (inject x) (inject y)

let[@inline available] compare x y = (inject x) (inject y)

(* since the values are stored sign-extended, we can skip the sign-extension
for bitwise operations as the sign bits will all be treated the same *)

let[@inline available] logand x y =
unchecked_project (Container.logand (inject x) (inject y))

let[@inline available] logor x y =
unchecked_project (Container.logor (inject x) (inject y))

let[@inline available] logxor x y =
unchecked_project (Container.logxor (inject x) (inject y))

let[@inline available] lognot x =
unchecked_project (Container.lognot (inject x))

let[@inline available] shift_left x y =
sign_extend (Container.shift_left (inject x) y)

let[@inline available] shift_right x y =
sign_extend (Container.shift_right (inject x) y)

let[@inline available] shift_right_logical x y =
sign_extend (Container.shift_right_logical (zero_extend x) y)

let max_int = shift_right_logical minus_one 1

let min_int = succ max_int

let[@inline available] unsigned_compare n m =
Container.unsigned_compare (zero_extend n) (zero_extend m)

(* Unsigned division from signed division of the same bitness. See Warren Jr.,
Henry S. (2013). Hacker's Delight (2 ed.), Sec 9-3. *)
let[@inline available] unsigned_div n d =
sign_extend (Container.unsigned_div (zero_extend n) (zero_extend d))

let[@inline available] unsigned_rem n d =
sign_extend (Container.unsigned_rem (zero_extend n) (zero_extend d))

let[@inline available] min x y =
unchecked_project (Container.min (inject x) (inject y))

let[@inline available] max x y =
unchecked_project (Container.max (inject x) (inject y))

let[@inline available] of_float f =
Option.value (project (Container.of_float f)) ~default:zero

let[@inline available] to_float t = Container.to_float (inject t)

let[@inline available] to_string t = Container.to_string (inject t)

let[@inline available] seeded_hash seed t =
Container.seeded_hash seed (inject t)

let[@inline available] hash t = Container.hash (inject t)

let[@inline available] to_int t = Container.to_int (inject t)

let[@inline available] of_int i = sign_extend (Container.of_int i)

let[@inline available] unsigned_to_int t =
Container.unsigned_to_int (zero_extend t)
[@@inline available]

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