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working on casting and splitting up PR
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jvanburen committed Dec 26, 2024
1 parent b6c0154 commit 5ca16d8
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Showing 3 changed files with 343 additions and 236 deletions.
217 changes: 133 additions & 84 deletions backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3455,15 +3455,6 @@ let xor_int_caml arg1 arg2 dbg =
Cconst_int (1, dbg) ],
dbg )

let lsl_int_caml arg1 arg2 dbg =
incr_int (lsl_int (decr_int arg1 dbg) (untag_int arg2 dbg) dbg) dbg

let lsr_int_caml arg1 arg2 dbg =
Cop (Cor, [lsr_int arg1 (untag_int arg2 dbg) dbg; Cconst_int (1, dbg)], dbg)

let asr_int_caml arg1 arg2 dbg =
Cop (Cor, [asr_int arg1 (untag_int arg2 dbg) dbg; Cconst_int (1, dbg)], dbg)

type ternary_primitive =
expression -> expression -> expression -> Debuginfo.t -> expression

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3824,15 +3815,6 @@ let float32_of_float = unary (Cstatic_cast Float32_of_float)

let float_of_float32 = unary (Cstatic_cast Float_of_float32)

let lsl_int_caml_raw ~dbg arg1 arg2 =
incr_int (lsl_int (decr_int arg1 dbg) arg2 dbg) dbg

let lsr_int_caml_raw ~dbg arg1 arg2 =
Cop (Cor, [lsr_int arg1 arg2 dbg; Cconst_int (1, dbg)], dbg)

let asr_int_caml_raw ~dbg arg1 arg2 =
Cop (Cor, [asr_int arg1 arg2 dbg; Cconst_int (1, dbg)], dbg)

let eq ~dbg x y =
match x, y with
| Cconst_int (n, _), Cop (Csubi, [Cconst_int (m, _); c], _)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4349,79 +4331,146 @@ let reperform ~dbg ~eff ~cont ~last_fiber =

let poll ~dbg = return_unit dbg (Cop (Cpoll, [], dbg))

module Static_cast = struct
(** A signed integer of machine width *)
type word = [`Word]
module Numeric = struct
module Float_width = struct
type t = Cmm.float_width =
| Float64
| Float32

type float =
[ `Float
| `Float32 ]
let[@inline] static_cast ~dbg ~src ~dst exp =
match src, dst with
| Float64, Float64 -> exp
| Float32, Float32 -> exp
| Float32, Float64 -> float_of_float32 ~dbg exp
| Float64, Float32 -> float32_of_float ~dbg exp

module Make_integer (I : sig
val max_bits : int
end) =
(** An integer that fits into a general-purpose register. It is canonically stored in
twos-complement representation, in the lower [bits] bits of its container (whether
that be memory or a register), and is sign- or zero-extended as needed, according
to [signed]. *)
type t =
{ bits : int;
signed : bool

let[@inline] create_exn ~bits ~signed =
assert (0 < bits && bits <= I.max_bits);
{ bits; signed }

let[@inline] static_cast ~dbg ~src ~dst exp =
let is_promotable =
if src.signed
then dst.signed && src.bits <= dst.bits
else src.bits < dst.bits
if is_promotable
then exp
else if dst.signed
then sign_extend ~bits:dst.bits exp dbg
else zero_extend ~bits:dst.bits exp dbg

type machine =
[ word
| float ]
let[@inline] bits t = t.bits

(** A signed integer of [n] bits, always stored sign-extended *)
type bits = [`Bits of int]
let[@inline] is_signed t = t.signed

(** A tagged immediate *)
type tagged = [`Tagged of word]
let[@inline] signed t = { t with signed = true }

type untagged_int =
[ word
| bits ]
let[@inline] unsigned t = { t with signed = false }

type standard_int =
[ bits
| tagged ]
let[@inline] with_signedness t ~signed = { t with signed }

type untagged =
[ untagged_int
| float ]
module Integer = struct
include Make_integer (struct
let max_bits = arch_bits

type t =
[ tagged
| untagged ]

let equal x y = Stdlib.( = ) (x :> t) (y :> t)

let[@inline] static_cast dbg =
let ( >> ) f g arg = g (f arg) in
let conv_machine ~(src : [< machine]) ~(dst : [< machine]) =
match dst, src with
| `Float, `Float | `Float32, `Float32 | `Word, `Word -> fun arg -> arg
| `Word, `Float -> int_of_float ~dbg
| `Word, `Float32 -> int_of_float32 ~dbg
| `Float32, `Float -> float32_of_float ~dbg
| `Float32, `Word -> float32_of_int ~dbg
| `Float, `Float32 -> float_of_float32 ~dbg
| `Float, `Word -> float_of_int ~dbg
let conv_int ~src ~dst arg =
if src <= dst then arg else sign_extend ~bits:dst arg dbg
let conv_untagged ~(src : [< untagged]) ~(dst : [< untagged]) =
let nativeint = create_exn ~bits:arch_bits ~signed:true

(** An {!Integer.t} but with the additional stipulation that its container must
reserve its lowest bit to be 1. The [bits] field does not include this bit. *)
module Tagged_integer = struct
include Make_integer (struct
let max_bits = arch_bits - 1

let[@inline] create_exn ~bits_excluding_tag_bit:bits ~signed =
create_exn ~bits ~signed

let immediate =
create_exn ~bits_excluding_tag_bit:(arch_bits - 1) ~signed:true

let[@inline] untagged { bits; signed } : Integer.t = { bits; signed }

let[@inline] bits_excluding_tag_bit t = bits t

let[@inline] bits_including_tag_bit t = bits t + 1

module Integral = struct
type t =
| Untagged of Integer.t
| Tagged of Tagged_integer.t

let nativeint = Untagged Integer.nativeint

let[@inline] static_cast ~dbg ~src ~dst exp =
match src, dst with
| (#machine as src), (#machine as dst) -> conv_machine ~src ~dst
| `Bits src, (#machine as dst) ->
conv_int ~src ~dst:arch_bits >> conv_machine ~src:`Word ~dst
| (#machine as src), `Bits dst ->
conv_machine ~src ~dst:`Word >> conv_int ~src:arch_bits ~dst
| `Bits src, `Bits dst -> conv_int ~src ~dst
let tag_int arg = tag_int arg dbg in
let untag_int arg = untag_int arg dbg in
let id x = x in
fun (src : [< t]) (dst : [< t]) ->
if equal src dst
then id
match src, dst with
| `Tagged `Word, `Tagged `Word -> id
| (#untagged as src), `Tagged dst -> conv_untagged ~src ~dst >> tag_int
| `Tagged src, (#untagged as dst) ->
untag_int >> conv_untagged ~src ~dst
| (#untagged as src), (#untagged as dst) -> conv_untagged ~src ~dst
| Untagged src, Untagged dst -> Integer.static_cast ~dbg ~src ~dst exp
| Tagged src, Tagged dst -> Tagged_integer.static_cast ~dbg ~src ~dst exp
| Untagged src, Tagged dst ->
(Integer.static_cast ~dbg ~src ~dst:(Tagged_integer.untagged dst) exp)
| Tagged src, Untagged dst ->
Integer.static_cast ~dbg
~src:(Tagged_integer.untagged src)
(if src.signed then asr_const exp 1 dbg else lsr_const exp 1 dbg)

let signed = function
| Untagged untagged -> Untagged (Integer.signed untagged)
| Tagged tagged -> Tagged (Tagged_integer.signed tagged)

let unsigned = function
| Untagged untagged -> Untagged (Integer.unsigned untagged)
| Tagged tagged -> Tagged (Tagged_integer.unsigned tagged)

let[@inline] static_cast ~src ~dst e dbg = Static_cast.static_cast dbg src dst e
type t =
| Integral of Integral.t
| Float of Float_width.t

let[@inline] static_cast ~dbg ~src ~dst exp =
match src, dst with
| Integral src, Integral dst -> Integral.static_cast ~dbg ~src ~dst exp
| Float src, Float dst -> Float_width.static_cast ~dbg ~src ~dst exp
| Float src, Integral dst ->
unary (Cstatic_cast (Int_of_float src)) exp ~dbg
|> Integral.static_cast ~dbg ~src:Integral.nativeint ~dst
| Integral src, Float dst ->
Integral.static_cast ~dbg ~src ~dst:Integral.nativeint exp
|> unary (Cstatic_cast (Int_of_float dst)) ~dbg

module Untagged = struct
type numeric = t

type t =
| Untagged of Integer.t
| Float of float_width

let to_numeric : t -> numeric = function
| Untagged width -> Integral (Untagged width)
| Float float -> Float float

let[@inline] static_cast ~dbg ~src ~dst exp =
static_cast ~dbg ~src:(to_numeric src) ~dst:(to_numeric dst) exp
122 changes: 75 additions & 47 deletions backend/cmm_helpers.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -486,12 +486,6 @@ val or_int_caml : binary_primitive

val xor_int_caml : binary_primitive

val lsl_int_caml : binary_primitive

val lsr_int_caml : binary_primitive

val asr_int_caml : binary_primitive

type ternary_primitive =
expression -> expression -> expression -> Debuginfo.t -> expression

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -707,15 +701,6 @@ val create_ccatch :
body:Cmm.expression ->

val lsl_int_caml_raw : dbg:Debuginfo.t -> expression -> expression -> expression

val lsr_int_caml_raw : dbg:Debuginfo.t -> expression -> expression -> expression

(** Shift operations. take as first argument a tagged caml integer, and as
second argument an untagged machine intger which is the amount to shift the
first argument by. *)
val asr_int_caml_raw : dbg:Debuginfo.t -> expression -> expression -> expression

(** Reinterpret cast functions *)

val int64_as_float : dbg:Debuginfo.t -> expression -> expression
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1215,46 +1200,89 @@ val dls_get : dbg:Debuginfo.t -> expression

val poll : dbg:Debuginfo.t -> expression

module Static_cast : sig
(** A signed integer of machine width *)
type word = [`Word]
module Numeric : sig
type 'a static_cast :=
dbg:Debuginfo.t -> src:'a -> dst:'a -> expression -> expression

module Float_width : sig
type t = Cmm.float_width =
| Float64
| Float32

val static_cast : t static_cast

module Integer : sig
type t

val create_exn : bits:int -> signed:bool -> t

val nativeint : t

val static_cast : t static_cast

val bits : t -> int

val is_signed : t -> bool

val signed : t -> t

val unsigned : t -> t

val with_signedness : t -> signed:bool -> t

type float =
[ `Float
| `Float32 ]
module Tagged_integer : sig
type t

type machine =
[ word
| float ]
val create_exn : bits_excluding_tag_bit:int -> signed:bool -> t

(** A signed integer of [n] bits, always stored sign-extended *)
type bits = [`Bits of int]
val immediate : t

(** A tagged immediate *)
type tagged = [`Tagged of word]
val untagged : t -> Integer.t

type untagged_int =
[ word
| bits ]
val static_cast : t static_cast

type standard_int =
[ bits
| tagged ]
val bits_excluding_tag_bit : t -> int

type untagged =
[ untagged_int
| float ]
val bits_including_tag_bit : t -> int

val signed : t -> t

val unsigned : t -> t

val with_signedness : t -> signed:bool -> t

module Integral : sig
type t =
| Untagged of Integer.t
| Tagged of Tagged_integer.t

val nativeint : t

val static_cast : t static_cast

val signed : t -> t

val unsigned : t -> t

type t =
[ tagged
| untagged ]
| Integral of Integral.t
| Float of float_width

val equal : [< t] -> [< t] -> bool
val static_cast : t static_cast

val static_cast :
src:[< Static_cast.t] ->
dst:[< Static_cast.t] ->
expression ->
Debuginfo.t ->
module Untagged : sig
type numeric = t

type t =
| Untagged of Integer.t
| Float of float_width

val to_numeric : t -> numeric

val static_cast : t static_cast

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