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The Educational Virtual Machine


Won these awards:

  • CoderDojo 2017 - Best Website
  • eir Junior Spiders 2017 - Grand Prize
  • eir Junior Spiders 2017 - Best Concept
  • eir Junior Spiders 2017 - Creative Web Coding

Significant Areas:

src/toolchain/ Contains compiler (TypeScript) & virtual machine (C)

src/public/js/sandbox.js VM integration + sandbox control

app.js Backend entrypoint

src/routes/ Backend Rendering/Handling Logic

src/lessons/ Lessons in Markdown

src/models/ Database Models/Schemas

src/views/ Views for pages


git clone <this repo>
cd <this repo>
sudo npm install
gulp build

touch .env

Insert the following data with your favourite text editor

AUTH0_CALLBACK_URL=<callback url>
PORT=<listen port>
GOOGLE_TRACKING_ID=<analytics id>

cd build
node app.js

Future Plans:

  • Fix express-session SessionStore (i.e use postgres session-store)
  • Modular hardware add/remove in sandbox
  • Remove hidden instructions, add LEA
  • Document how the instructions/flag modifications work
  • Optimize compiler/disassembler
  • Fix assertions

ISA Documentation:

Instruction format primer

This was intentionally made incredibly simple and easily read (rather than using bitfields) to help users understand the encoded instruction

 * Instruction layout explained
 * Instructions are variable sizes
 * 0xABCD 0xEFGH 0xIJ
 * 0xAB   -> specifies operation (AB is the opcode)
 * 0xCD   -> specifies operand types (see operands.c)
 *           where C is the type of destination
 *           and D is type of src
 * 0xEF   -> if a register is in the instruction,
 *           E will be the dest register
 *           F will be the source register
 *           If the immediate value uses a register offset, (either in src or dst)
 *           that register will be in their respective slot
 * 0xGHIJ -> Constant value / immediate value
 *           OR
 *           Two's complement signed value for reg-offset i.e. [a+0x100],
 * Example encoding:
 * 03  12  10  00  01   ::::::::::    mov a, 1
 * ^   ^   ^        ^---> constant value
 * |   |   |---> register 1 (reg), 0 (not used)
 * |   |---> operand types, 1 (reg), 2 (immediate value)
 * |---> opcode
 * enum OperandTypeEncoded
 * {
 *     NONE = 0x0,
 *     REGISTER = 0x1,                     //  r, Register notation: a,b,c, ...
 *     CONSTANT = 0x2,                     //  c, Any parseInt(...,10) literal except negatives: 1, 0x1, ...
 *     MEMORY_REGISTER = 0x3,              //  [reg]
 *     MEMORY_REGISTER_DISPLACEMENT = 0x4, //  [reg+offset] [reg-offset]
 *     MEMORY_CONSTANT = 0x5               //  [number]
 * };