A responsive UBC CLF (Common Look and Feel) theme for Drupal 7. Created by the UBC IT Web Services Department.
Grid, menu system (click to expand), status / alerts, form elements, markup compatible with default bootstrap markup, and no need for conditional IE stylesheets.
- Minimal CLF (optional) - for heavily-themed sites, you can load the minimal required CSS and leave the rest of the bootstrap framework behind
- Modernizr (optional)
- Unit LESS files (and uncompressed CSS for everyone else)
- Page / content type template suggestions (beyond page and blog)
- Body classes to indicate page section and path for easier theming
- HTML5 markup
- Ability to add / exclude css in .info file
- Built in support for Breakpoint module, mapping default CLF breakpoints
- Adaptive panels layouts (thanks Jens)
- You MUST use an alternate admin theme or jQuery will be break. It is also recommended to use the 'edit / create content in admin theme' option on the /admin/appearance page. An option to toggle on or off the updated jQuery has been added to the theme options if you would prefer to use the jQuery Update module. The required version is 1.8.1+
- Unzip the content to your Drupal installation, ie for Linux RHEL6.x. /var/www/html/your_drupal_site/sites/all/themes/ chown -R root:apache ubc_clf_drupal_template_7.0.2.
- Login to your Drupal website as admin --> Appearance --> Enable and Set as Default for UBC-CLF.
- Picture + Breakpoints - for assigning alternate image styles to Media Query breakpoints.
- Media - for inserting adaptive images into textarea fields (allows you to choose image style per image).
- Environment Indicator - breaks in jQuery versions 1.8+