A few UIKit components that use blocks instead of target/actions or delegates. The following components are included:
- UIActionSheet
- UIAlertView
- UIBarButtonItem
UIKit-Block-Based-Components is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "UIKit-Block-Based-Components"
You can see the sample project in the Example folder.
Instantiate an action sheet with the following:
+ (id)actionSheetWithTitle:(NSString *)title;
Then use any of these methods to add buttons to the action sheet:
- (void)addButtonWithTitle:(NSString *)title
action:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
- (void)addCancelButtonWithTitle:(NSString *)title
action:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
- (void)addDestructiveButtonWithTitle:(NSString *)title
action:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
Show it the usual way.
The easier way is to instantiate an alert view with the following:
+ (id)alertViewWithTitle:(NSString *)title
cancelTitle:(NSString *)cancelTitle
confirmTitle:(NSString *)confirmTitle
You could use this method to add a button to an alert view that requires more than 2 buttons:
- (void)addButtonWithTitle:(NSString *)title action:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
Show it the usual way.
Instantiate a button with any of the following constructors:
+ (id)itemWithBarButtonSystemItem:(UIBarButtonSystemItem)systemItem
actionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
+ (id)itemWithCustomView:(UIView *)customView
actionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
+ (id)itemWithImage:(UIImage *)image
actionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
+ (id)itemWithImage:(UIImage *)image
landscapeImagePhone:(UIImage *)landscapeImagePhone
actionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
+ (id)itemWithTitle:(NSString *)title
actionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
You could use this method to set a block to a bar button item (not recommended though):
- (void)setActionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
WARNING: Do not set the target and action after you set an action block, the action block won't be called otherwise.
Olivier Collet @ocollet
UIKit-Block-Based-Components is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.