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LaptopLoot automates the process of scraping laptop data from eBay and saving it to a Google Sheet for analysis. `Playwright` for web scraping and `gspread` for Google Sheets integration.


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LaptopLoot automates the process of scraping laptop data from eBay and saving it to a Google Sheet for analysis. It leverages asynchronous programming with Playwright for efficient web scraping and gspread for seamless Google Sheets integration.


  • Fast and Efficient: Utilizes asynchronous programming to scrape data from eBay quickly and efficiently.
  • Pagination Handling: Automatically navigates through multiple pages of search results.
  • Customizable Data Extraction: Easily configure the script to target and extract specific laptop attributes (name, price, condition, etc.).
  • Google Sheets Integration: Saves the scraped data directly to a Google Sheet, making it accessible for analysis or visualization.
  • Rate Limiting: Implements delays to avoid overwhelming eBay and reduce the risk of being blocked.
  • Robust Error Handling: Designed to handle unexpected errors during scraping, ensuring the script runs smoothly.


  • Python 3.7+
  • Libraries: Install the necessary libraries using pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Google Cloud Platform Project:
    • Create a new GCP project.
    • Enable the Google Sheets API.
    • Create a service account with read/write access to Google Sheets and download its JSON key file.

Setup and Configuration:

  1. Clone the Repository: git clone
  2. Install Dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Environment Variables:
    • Create a .env file in the project's root directory.
    • Add the following lines, replacing the placeholders with your actual values:
    SEARCH_QUERY="your eBay search query"
    • SPREADSHEET_ID: The ID of your Google Spreadsheet.
    • SHEET_NAME: The name of the sheet within the spreadsheet (defaults to 'eBay Laptops').
    • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE: Path to your Google Cloud service account JSON file for authentication.
    • SEARCH_QUERY: (Optional) The eBay search query. If not set, the script will prompt for input.


  1. Run the Scraper: python
  2. View Data: Open your Google Sheet to access the scraped laptop data.

Data Extraction Functions


  • Extracts the laptop's name from an eBay listing element.
  • Returns "N/A" if extraction fails.


  • Extracts the laptop's price, cleans it (removes '$', ','), and converts it to a float.
  • Returns "N/A" if extraction fails.


  • Extracts shipping cost, handling cases for free shipping and various formats.
  • Returns "N/A" if extraction fails.


  • Extracts the condition of the laptop (e.g., New, Used).
  • Returns "N/A" if extraction fails.


  • Extracts the URL of the eBay listing.
  • Returns "N/A" if extraction fails.


  • Extracts the remaining time for the listing.
  • Returns "N/A" if extraction fails.

Web Scraping Functions

search_ebay(page, query)

  • Navigates to eBay, enters the search query, and waits for results to load.


  • Iterates through listings on a single search results page, extracts data using the data extraction functions, and returns a list of laptop data dictionaries.

scrape_ebay_listings(page, search_query)

  • Performs the main scraping logic:
    • Calls search_ebay to initiate the search.
    • Loops through search result pages, scraping each page with scrape_page.
    • Handles pagination and implements random delays to avoid overloading eBay.
    • Returns a list of laptop data dictionaries from all pages.

Google Sheets Functions

save_to_google_sheet(spreadsheet_id, sheet_name, data)

  • Authenticates with Google Sheets using the service account credentials.
  • Opens the specified spreadsheet and worksheet (or creates a new one if it doesn't exist).
  • Appends the scraped laptop data to the Google Sheet.

Main Function

async def main()

  • Loads environment variables.
  • Gets the search query (either from environment variable or user input).
  • Launches a Playwright browser instance.
  • Scrapes eBay listings using the provided query.
  • Converts the scraped data to a Pandas DataFrame.
  • Saves the data to the Google Sheet.
  • Closes the browser.


The if __name__ == "__main__": block ensures that the main() function is called when the script is run directly.


Here's the workflow of the eBay scraper code:

  1. Initialization (

    • Load environment variables from the .env file using load_dotenv().
    • Get Google Sheets configuration (spreadsheet ID, sheet name).
    • Parse command-line arguments using argparse.
  2. Web Scraping (modules/

    • search_ebay(page, query, args):
      • Navigates to the eBay homepage and waits for the page to load.
      • Enters the query in the search box.
      • Applies filters based on the provided args (page number, laptop type, RAM, CPU).
      • Waits for the search results page to load.
    • scrape_ebay_listings(page, search_query, args):
      • Calls search_ebay() to initiate the search.
      • Loops through the specified number of pages (args.pages) or until there are no more pages.
      • Calls scrape_page() for each page to extract data from individual listings.
      • Navigates to the next page using navigate_to_next_page().
      • Returns a list of dictionaries (all_laptops_data), where each dictionary represents a laptop listing.
  3. Data Extraction (modules/

    • extract_element(listing, css_selector, element_name):
      • Tries to extract the desired element using the provided css_selector.
      • If the element is not found using the selector, it falls back to using NLP-based extraction with extract_data_nlp().
      • Handles special cases for specific elements (e.g., price, shipping cost).
    • extract_data_nlp(listing, element_name):
      • Uses NLP (with spaCy and NLTK) to extract data from the HTML content of the listing.
      • Cleans the HTML content, processes the text, and attempts to find the desired element based on the provided element_name.
  4. Data Processing and Storage (

    • The scraped data (list of dictionaries) is converted to a Pandas DataFrame for easier handling.
    • The DataFrame is printed to the console.
    • The data is saved to a Google Sheet using save_to_google_sheet()

Error Handling:

  • The code uses try-except blocks throughout to handle potential errors during web scraping, data extraction, and saving to Google Sheets.
  • traceback.format_exc() is used to log detailed error messages and stack traces.

Additional Tips:

  • Rate Limiting: Be mindful of eBay's rate limits. Avoid sending too many requests in a short period.
    The random delays in the code help with this, but further adjustments might be needed.
  • IP Blocking: Scraping websites aggressively can lead to your IP address being blocked. Consider using proxy servers or rotating IP addresses to mitigate this risk.
  • Website Changes: Websites change frequently. If eBay's structure changes, the scraper may break and require updates to the selectors used in page.locator().

File Structure

  • Main script to run the scraper.
  • modules/: Directory for custom modules.
    • Contains functions for web scraping logic.
    • Contains functions for extracting specific data from listings.
    • Contains a class for natural language processing tasks.
    • Contains functions to interact with Google Sheets.


  • This project is for educational purposes and personal use only.
  • Always respect eBay's terms of service and robots.txt guidelines.
  • Avoid scraping excessively to prevent putting unnecessary load on eBay's servers.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


LaptopLoot automates the process of scraping laptop data from eBay and saving it to a Google Sheet for analysis. `Playwright` for web scraping and `gspread` for Google Sheets integration.








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