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MacOS ZFS Sandbox
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mtelvers committed Jun 8, 2023
1 parent bca5bc3 commit 02234e8
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Showing 12 changed files with 172 additions and 197 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/
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Expand Up @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ module Make (Raw_store : S.STORE) (Sandbox : S.SANDBOX) (Fetch : S.FETCHER) = st
(resolved_secret :: result) ) (Ok []) secrets

let rec run_steps t ~(context:Context.t) ~base = function
| [] -> Lwt_result.return base
| [] -> Sandbox.finished () >>= fun () -> Lwt_result.return base
| op :: ops ->
context.log `Heading Fmt.(str "%a" (pp_op ~context) op);
let k = run_steps t ops in
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -451,6 +451,9 @@ let create (c : config) =
let+ () = if Result.is_error volume_exists then create_tar_volume t else Lwt.return_unit in

let finished () =
Lwt.return ()

open Cmdliner

let docs = "DOCKER BACKEND"
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77 changes: 35 additions & 42 deletions lib/
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(* Extensions to the Os module for macOS *)
open Lwt.Syntax
open Lwt.Infix
open Os

let ( / ) = Filename.concat
Expand All @@ -17,11 +18,10 @@ let create_new_user ~username ~home_dir ~uid ~gid =
let pp s ppf = ppf "[ Mac ] %s\n" s in
let dscl = [ "dscl"; "."; "-create"; user ] in
sudo_result ~pp:(pp "UniqueID") (dscl @ [ "UniqueID"; uid ]) >>!= fun _ ->
sudo_result ~pp:(pp "PrimaryGroupID") (dscl @ [ "PrimaryGroupID"; gid ])
>>!= fun _ ->
sudo_result ~pp:(pp "UserShell") (dscl @ [ "UserShell"; "/bin/bash" ])
>>!= fun _ ->
sudo_result ~pp:(pp "NFSHomeDirectory") (dscl @ [ "NFSHomeDirectory"; home_dir ])
sudo_result ~pp:(pp "PrimaryGroupID") (dscl @ [ "PrimaryGroupID"; gid ]) >>!= fun _ ->
sudo_result ~pp:(pp "UserShell") (dscl @ [ "UserShell"; "/bin/bash" ]) >>!= fun _ ->
sudo_result ~pp:(pp "NFSHomeDirectory") (dscl @ [ "NFSHomeDirectory"; home_dir ]) >>!= fun _ ->
Lwt_result.return ()

let delete_user ~user =
let* exists = user_exists ~user in
Expand All @@ -33,48 +33,41 @@ let delete_user ~user =
let user = "/Users" / user in
let pp s ppf = ppf "[ Mac ] %s\n" s in
let delete = ["dscl"; "."; "-delete"; user ] in
sudo_result ~pp:(pp "Deleting") delete
sudo_result ~pp:(pp "Deleting") delete >>!= fun _ ->
Lwt_result.return ()

let descendants ~pid =
(fun () ->
let+ s = pread ["sudo"; "pgrep"; "-P"; string_of_int pid ] in
let pids = Astring.String.cuts ~sep:"\n" s in
List.filter_map int_of_string_opt pids)
(* Errors if there are none, probably errors for other reasons too… *)
(fun _ -> Lwt.return_nil)
let rec kill_users_processes ~uid =
let pp _ ppf = ppf "[ PKILL ]" in
let delete = ["pkill"; "-9"; "-U"; string_of_int uid ] in
let* t = sudo_result ~pp:(pp "PKILL") delete in
match t with
| Ok _ -> kill_users_processes ~uid
| Error (`Msg _) -> (fun f -> f "pkill all killed");
Lwt.return ()

let kill ~pid =
let pp _ ppf = ppf "[ KILL ]" in
let delete = ["kill"; "-9"; string_of_int pid ] in
let* t = sudo_result ~pp:(pp "KILL") delete in
let rec sudo_fallback cmds cmds2 ~uid =
let pp f = pp_cmd f ("", cmds) in
let* t = sudo_result ~pp cmds in
match t with
| Ok () -> Lwt.return_unit
| Ok _ -> Lwt.return ()
| Error (`Msg m) ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to kill process %i because %s" pid m);

let kill_all_descendants ~pid =
let rec kill_all pid : unit Lwt.t =
let* ds = descendants ~pid in
let* () = Lwt_list.iter_s kill_all ds in
kill ~pid
kill_all pid

let copy_template ~base ~local =
let pp s ppf = ppf "[ %s ]" s in
sudo_result ~pp:(pp "RSYNC") ["rsync"; "-avq"; base ^ "/"; local]

let change_home_directory_for ~user ~home_dir =
["dscl"; "."; "-create"; "/Users/" ^ user ; "NFSHomeDirectory"; home_dir ]
Log.warn (fun f -> f "failed with %s" m);
(* wait a second then try to kill any user processes and retry *)
Lwt_unix.sleep 2.0 >>= fun () ->
kill_users_processes ~uid >>= fun () ->
sudo cmds2 >>= fun () ->
sudo_fallback cmds cmds2 ~uid

(* Used by the FUSE filesystem to indicate where a users home directory should be …*)
let update_scoreboard ~uid ~scoreboard ~home_dir =
["ln"; "-Fhs"; home_dir; scoreboard ^ "/" ^ string_of_int uid]

let remove_link ~uid ~scoreboard =
[ "rm"; scoreboard ^ "/" ^ string_of_int uid ]
let rm ~directory =
let pp _ ppf = ppf "[ RM ]" in
let delete = ["rm"; "-r"; directory ] in
let* t = sudo_result ~pp:(pp "RM") delete in
match t with
| Ok _ -> Lwt.return ()
| Error (`Msg m) ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to remove %s because %s" directory m);
Lwt.return ()

let get_tmpdir ~user =
["sudo"; "-u"; user; "-i"; "getconf"; "DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR"]
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ let sudo ?stdin args =
let args = if running_as_root then args else "sudo" :: "--" :: args in
exec ?stdin args

let sudo_result ?cwd ?stdin ?stdout ?stderr ~pp args =
let sudo_result ?cwd ?stdin ?stdout ?stderr ?is_success ~pp args =
let args = if running_as_root then args else "sudo" :: "--" :: args in
exec_result ?cwd ?stdin ?stdout ?stderr ~pp args
exec_result ?cwd ?stdin ?stdout ?stderr ?is_success ~pp args

let rec write_all fd buf ofs len =
assert (len >= 0);
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Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ module type SANDBOX = sig
@param stdin Passed to child as its standard input.
@param log Used for child's stdout and stderr.

val finished : unit -> unit Lwt.t

module type BUILDER = sig
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167 changes: 47 additions & 120 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -4,30 +4,16 @@ open Cmdliner
type t = {
uid: int;
gid: int;
(* Where zfs dynamic libraries are -- can't be in /usr/local/lib
see notes in .mli file under "Various Gotchas"… *)
fallback_library_path : string;
(* FUSE file system mount point *)
fuse_path : string;
(* Scoreboard -- where we keep our symlinks for knowing homedirs for users *)
scoreboard : string;
(* Should the sandbox mount and unmount the FUSE filesystem *)
no_fuse : bool;
(* Whether or not the FUSE filesystem is mounted *)
mutable fuse_mounted : bool;
(* Whether we have chowned/chmoded the data *)
mutable chowned : bool;
(* mount point where Homebrew is installed. Either /opt/homebrew or /usr/local depending upon architecture *)
brew_path : string;
lock : Lwt_mutex.t;

open Sexplib.Conv

type config = {
uid: int;
fallback_library_path : string;
fuse_path : string;
scoreboard : string;
no_fuse : bool;
brew_path : string;
}[@@deriving sexp]

let run_as ~env ~user ~cmd =
Expand All @@ -49,66 +35,34 @@ let copy_to_log ~src ~dst =
aux ()

(* HACK: Unmounting and remounting the FUSE filesystem seems to "fix"
some weird cachining bug, see
For macOS we also need to create the illusion of building in a static
home directory, and to achieve this we copy in the pre-build environment
and copy back out the result. It's not super efficient, but is necessary.*)

let unmount_fuse t =
if not t.fuse_mounted || t.no_fuse then Lwt.return_unit
let f = ["umount"; "-f"; t.fuse_path] in
Os.sudo f >>= fun _ -> t.fuse_mounted <- false;

let post_build ~result_dir ~home_dir t =
Os.sudo ["rsync"; "-aHq"; "--delete"; home_dir ^ "/"; result_dir ] >>= fun () ->
unmount_fuse t

let post_cancellation ~result_tmp t =
Os.rm ~directory:result_tmp >>= fun () ->
unmount_fuse t

(* Using rsync to delete old files seems to be a good deal faster. *)
let pre_build ~result_dir ~home_dir t =
Os.sudo [ "mkdir"; "-p"; "/tmp/obuilder-empty" ] >>= fun () ->
Os.sudo [ "rsync"; "-aHq"; "--delete"; "/tmp/obuilder-empty/"; home_dir ^ "/" ] >>= fun () ->
Os.sudo [ "rsync"; "-aHq"; result_dir ^ "/"; home_dir ] >>= fun () ->
(if t.chowned then Lwt.return_unit
else begin
Os.sudo [ "chown"; "-R"; ":" ^ (string_of_int t.gid); home_dir ] >>= fun () ->
Os.sudo [ "chmod"; "-R"; "g+w"; home_dir ] >>= fun () ->
t.chowned <- true;
end) >>= fun () ->
if t.fuse_mounted || t.no_fuse then Lwt.return_unit
let f = [ "obuilderfs"; t.scoreboard ; t.fuse_path; "-o"; "allow_other" ] in
Os.sudo f >>= fun _ -> t.fuse_mounted <- true;

let user_name ~prefix ~uid =
Fmt.str "%s%i" prefix uid

let home_directory user = Filename.concat "/Users/" user
let zfs_volume_from path =
String.split_on_char '/' path
|> List.filter (fun x -> String.length x > 0)
|> String.concat "/"

(* A build step in macos:
- Should be properly sandboxed using sandbox-exec (coming soon…)
- Umask g+w to work across users if restored from a snapshot
- Set the new home directory of the user to something static and copy in the environment
- Should be executed by the underlying user (t.uid) *)
let run ~cancelled ?stdin:stdin ~log (t : t) config result_tmp =
Lwt_mutex.with_lock t.lock (fun () -> (fun f -> f "result_tmp = %s" result_tmp);
Os.with_pipe_from_child @@ fun ~r:out_r ~w:out_w ->
let result_dir = Filename.concat result_tmp "rootfs" in
let user = user_name ~prefix:"mac" ~uid:t.uid in
let home_dir = home_directory user in
let zfs_volume = zfs_volume_from result_tmp in
let home_dir = Filename.concat "/Users/" user in
let zfs_home_dir = Filename.concat zfs_volume "home" in
let zfs_brew = Filename.concat zfs_volume "brew" in
Os.sudo [ "zfs"; "set"; "mountpoint=" ^ home_dir; zfs_home_dir ] >>= fun () ->
Os.sudo [ "zfs"; "set"; "mountpoint=" ^ t.brew_path; zfs_brew ] >>= fun () ->
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun { Config.Mount.src; dst; readonly; _ } -> (fun f -> f "src = %s, dst = %s, type %s" src dst (if readonly then "ro" else "rw") );
if Sys.file_exists dst then
Os.sudo [ "zfs"; "set"; "mountpoint=" ^ dst; zfs_volume_from src ]
else Lwt.return_unit) config.Config.mounts >>= fun () ->
let uid = string_of_int t.uid in
Macos.create_new_user ~username:user ~home_dir ~uid ~gid:"1000" >>= fun _ ->
let set_homedir = Macos.change_home_directory_for ~user ~home_dir in
let update_scoreboard = Macos.update_scoreboard ~uid:t.uid ~home_dir ~scoreboard:t.scoreboard in
let gid = string_of_int t.gid in
Macos.create_new_user ~username:user ~home_dir ~uid ~gid >>= fun _ ->
let osenv = config.Config.env in
let stdout = `FD_move_safely out_w in
let stderr = stdout in
Expand All @@ -117,9 +71,6 @@ let run ~cancelled ?stdin:stdin ~log (t : t) config result_tmp =
let proc =
let stdin = (fun x -> `FD_move_safely x) stdin in
let pp f = Os.pp_cmd f ("", config.Config.argv) in
Os.sudo_result ~pp set_homedir >>= fun _ ->
Os.sudo_result ~pp update_scoreboard >>= fun _ ->
pre_build ~result_dir ~home_dir t >>= fun _ ->
Os.pread @@ Macos.get_tmpdir ~user >>= fun tmpdir ->
let tmpdir = List.hd (String.split_on_char '\n' tmpdir) in
let env = ("TMPDIR", tmpdir) :: osenv in
Expand All @@ -128,38 +79,41 @@ let run ~cancelled ?stdin:stdin ~log (t : t) config result_tmp =
let pid, proc = Os.open_process ?stdin ~stdout ~stderr ~pp ~cwd:config.Config.cwd cmd in
proc_id := Some pid;
Os.process_result ~pp proc >>= fun r ->
post_build ~result_dir ~home_dir t >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return r
Lwt.on_termination cancelled (fun () ->
let aux () =
(if Lwt.is_sleeping proc then
match !proc_id with
| Some pid -> Macos.kill_all_descendants ~pid >>= fun () -> Lwt_unix.sleep 5.0
| None -> Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to find pid…"); Lwt.return_unit
else Lwt.return_unit) (* Process has already finished *)
>>= fun () -> post_cancellation ~result_tmp t
if Lwt.is_sleeping proc then
match !proc_id with
| Some _ -> Macos.kill_users_processes ~uid:t.uid
| None -> Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to find pid…"); Lwt.return ()
else Lwt.return_unit (* Process has already finished *)
Lwt.async aux
proc >>= fun r ->
copy_log >>= fun () ->
if Lwt.is_sleeping cancelled then Lwt.return (r :> (unit, [`Msg of string | `Cancelled]) result)
else `Cancelled)
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun { Config.Mount.src; dst = _; readonly = _; ty = _ } ->
Os.sudo [ "zfs"; "inherit"; "mountpoint"; zfs_volume_from src ]) config.Config.mounts >>= fun () ->
Macos.sudo_fallback [ "zfs"; "set"; "mountpoint=none"; zfs_home_dir ] [ "zfs"; "unmount"; "-f"; zfs_home_dir ] ~uid:t.uid >>= fun () ->
Macos.sudo_fallback [ "zfs"; "set"; "mountpoint=none"; zfs_brew ] [ "zfs"; "unmount"; "-f"; zfs_brew ] ~uid:t.uid >>= fun () ->
if Lwt.is_sleeping cancelled then
Lwt.return (r :> (unit, [`Msg of string | `Cancelled]) result)
else `Cancelled)

let create ~state_dir:_ c =
Lwt.return {
uid = c.uid;
gid = 1000;
fallback_library_path = c.fallback_library_path;
fuse_path = c.fuse_path;
scoreboard = c.scoreboard;
no_fuse = c.no_fuse;
fuse_mounted = false;
chowned = false;
brew_path = c.brew_path;
lock = Lwt_mutex.create ();

let finished () =
Os.sudo [ "zfs"; "unmount"; "obuilder/result" ] >>= fun () ->
Os.sudo [ "zfs"; "mount"; "obuilder/result" ] >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return ()

let uid =
Arg.required @@
Arg.opt Arg.(some int) None @@
Expand All @@ -169,43 +123,16 @@ let uid =

let fallback_library_path =
let brew_path =
Arg.required @@
Arg.opt Arg.(some file) None @@
~doc:"The fallback path of the dynamic libraries. This is used whenever the FUSE filesystem \
is in place preventing anything is /usr/local from being accessed."

let fuse_path =
Arg.required @@
Arg.opt Arg.(some file) None @@
~doc:"Directory to mount FUSE filesystem on, typically this is either /usr/local or /opt/homebrew."

let scoreboard =
Arg.required @@
Arg.opt Arg.(some file) None @@
~doc:"The scoreboard directory which is used by the FUSE filesystem to record \
the association between user id and home directory."

let no_fuse =
Arg.value @@
Arg.flag @@
~doc:"Whether the macOS sandbox should mount and unmount the FUSE filesystem. \
This is useful for testing."
~doc:"Directory where Homebrew is installed. Typically this is either /usr/local or /opt/homebrew."

let cmdliner : config Term.t =
let make uid fallback_library_path fuse_path scoreboard no_fuse =
{ uid; fallback_library_path; fuse_path; scoreboard; no_fuse }
let make uid brew_path =
{ uid; brew_path }
Term.(const make $ uid $ fallback_library_path $ fuse_path $ scoreboard $ no_fuse)
Term.(const make $ uid $ brew_path)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/sandbox.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,3 +12,5 @@ val cmdliner : config Cmdliner.Term.t
val create : state_dir:string -> config -> t Lwt.t
(** [create ~state_dir config] is a sandboxing system that keeps state in [state_dir]
and is configured using [config]. *)

val finished : unit -> unit Lwt.t
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -333,6 +333,9 @@ let create ~state_dir (c : config) =
clean_runc state_dir >|= fun () ->
{ runc_state_dir = state_dir; fast_sync = c.fast_sync; arches }

let finished () =
Lwt.return ()

open Cmdliner

let docs = "RUNC SANDBOX"
Expand Down

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