Python package for a Xcode strings file to a swift localized string file
For example,
Created by Keunhyun Oh on 2018. 8. 15..
Copyright © 2018년 Keunhyun Oh. All rights reserved.
test = "test_value";
import Foundation
struct Localizable {
static let test = NSLocalizedString("test", tableName: "Localizable", comment: "") // test_value
It is available in python2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7
foo@bar:~$ pip install -U pyxstr2swift
foo@bar:~$ xstr2swift [-h] [--st STRUCTNAME] [-f] [-m] [-v] source target
foo@bar:~$ python -m pyxstr2swift.xstr2swift [-h] [--structname STRUCTNAME] [-f] [-m] source target
To use it in Xcode build pharses,
- Install this module using python PIP. If pip is not installed on your device, this command helps you.
foo@bar:~$ brew install python
foo@bar:~$ pip3 install --upgrade pyxstr2swift
install anaconda and set configures
- Add a output swift file to your project
- Add a strings file to your project and write string keys and values
- Add Run Script to build pharses before Compile Sources
- Change Shell /bin/sh to /bin/bash (or /bin/zsh)
- Write shell command. For example,
#If you use anaconda, anaconda3/bin should be added to path
#export PATH="${HOME}/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
pip install --upgrade pyxstr2swift
xstr2swift -f -m "${SRCROOT}/Your project/en.lproj/Localizable.strings" "${SRCROOT}/Your project/Localizable.swift"
My project's shell command is that
# .bash_profile includes export PATH="${HOME}/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
source ~/.bash_profile
# a conda env is already created that name is iosdev
conda activate iosdev
pip install --upgrade pyxstr2swift
xstr2swift -f -m "${SRCROOT}/My Project/en.lproj/Localizable.strings" "${SRCROOT}/My Project/Localizable.swift"
conda deactivate
- That' all! build Your project now!
usage: xstr2swift [-h] [-st STRUCTNAME] [-f] [-m] [-v] source target
pyxstr2swift needs arguments
positional arguments:
source source: a strings file
target target: a swift file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
structname: a struct name in a target file
-f, --force force to write a target file if already exist
-m, --comment values are added as comment
-v, --verbose Display console output
unittest on python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
-에서-localization하는-gorgeous-한-방법-f82ac29d2cfe Thanks to an author of this post
- It is help you to use localized strings