Requires the following boxen modules:
The following boxen modules are required if optional PHP extensions are used:
(SocalNick/puppet-couchbase) - Couchbase extensionphp::extension::couchbase
- Imagemagick extensionphp::extension::imagick
- Redis extensionphp::extension::redis
# Install php 5.4
php::version { '5.4': }
# Install a couple of specific minor versions
php::version { '5.3.17': }
php::version { '5.4.11': }
# Install Composer globally on your PATH
include php::composer
# Install a php version and set as the global default php
class { 'php::global':
version => '5.4.10'
# Ensure a specific php version is used within a directory
php::local { '/path/to/my/awesome/project':
version => '5.4.9'
# Ensure an extension is installed for a certain php version
# note, you can't have duplicate resource names so you have to name like so
php::extension::apc { "apc for ${version}":
php => $version,
version => '3.1.13', # Optionally specify the extension version
# Set up PHP-FPM as a service running a specific version of PHP
php::fpm { '5.3.15': }
# Run multiple PHP-FPM services
php::fpm { '5.4.11': }
php::fpm { '5.3.23': }
# Spin up a PHP-FPM pool for a project
# Ensures:
# * the version of PHP is installed
# * a PHP-FPM service is configured for this PHP version
# * a FPM pool is listening on a per project nginx socket
$name = "project-name"
$version = "5.4.10"
php::fpm::pool { "${name}-${version}":
version => $version,
socket_path => "${boxen::config::socketdir}/${name}",
require => File["${nginx::config::sitesdir}/${name}.conf"],
## PHP Project Usage ##
A sample PHP project manifest is provided in manifests/project.pp
which will run a PHP project using PHP-FPM under Nginx. This can be used directly, but may require tweaking for your own purposes.
A simple project manifest example:
# your-boxen/modules/projects/manifests/trollin.pp
class projects::trollin {
php::project { 'trollin':
source => 'boxen/trollin',
elasticsearch => true,
mysql => true,
nginx => 'php/nginx/nginx.conf.erb',
redis => true,
php => '5.3.23',
With the above, as long as our app is configured to listen to requests at www/index.php
we can visit to access the app.
In the background this is installing PHP 5.3.23, creating a PHP-FPM service for 5.3.23, and a FPM pool for this project which runs within the FPM service. This then listens on an nginx socket at "#{ENV['BOXEN_SOCKET_DIR']}"/trollin.
The example nginx host template at templates/nginx/nginx.conf.erb
is also a sample configuration which can be copied to your main boxen module and the nginx template path above altered to match this. This is set up with a basic PHP structure, and Fastcgi params to pass the expected variables from Nginx to PHP-FPM.
The old PHP version classes are removed completely in version 2.
You will need to change any code in your manifests like include PHP::5_X_X
to the version 2 equivalent php::version { 5.X.X: }
All other classes remain unchanged in syntax, and should "just work".
This module will now warn you if you are running an insecure version of PHP when you run Boxen.