This is an example of a complex microservice architecture.
KV Mall contains the following services:
Service | Language | Version |
Frontend | Java | 17 (Eclipse Temurin) |
Inventory | Java | 11 (Eclipse Temurin) |
Pricing | Java | 8 (Eclipse Temurin) |
Membership | Go | 1.22.1 |
Coupon | JavaScript | NodeJS 18.3.0 |
Analytics | Go | 1.21.2 |
Warehouse | Java | 11 (Eclipse Temurin) |
Load-generator | Go | 1.21.2 |
The following databases and message brokers are used:
- Kafka
- Cassandra
- Memcached
- Elasticsearch
- Azure CosmosDB
- PostgreSQL
Before running the kv mall application, you need to deploy the infrastructure. To do so, run the following command:
make deploy-infra
Make sure all the infrastructure is running before running the application.
To build the project and run it locally on a Kind cluster, run the following command:
make build-images load-to-kind deploy
kubectl apply -f