Version v0.1.0 brings many new features and bug fixes to odigos observability control plane:
🚀 Enhancements:
- Add readiness and liveness probes to collectors created by the autoscaler
- Collect host metrics from kubelet
- New managed destinations: New Relic, logz.io
- New hosted destinations: Prometheus, Tempo, and Loki
🐞 Bug Fixes:
- Fix logs discovery for Docker CRI
- Better error handling on language detection
- Fix for OutOfPods on EKS
If upgrading from an older version of odigos, run helm repo update
before upgrading the helm chart.
Install by running:
helm repo add odigos https://keyval-dev.github.io/odigos-charts/
helm install my-odigos odigos/odigos --namespace odigos-system --create-namespace