Releases: ofbeaton/granite-php
Releases · ofbeaton/granite-php
Object Operator Spacing
Squiz.WhiteSpace.ObjectOperatorSpacing now allows newlines.
Relax Unused param x2
More code review severity changes for parameter unused.
Relax Unused param
New Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter.FoundInExtendedClassAfterLastUsed should be code review. fixed.
Relax BlockComment.NoEmptyLineBefore
usually points to commented code, move to code review
Relax Docblock Capitals
Don't enforce capitalization in docblocks.
Array Indentation
Array indent rule is bad, makes respecting line length hard.
no fullstop on throws
relax docblock, no need for fullstop on throws
typehint docblocks
Disable squiz.commenting.blockcomment.noemptylineafter to allow for typehint docblocks in code.
exclude not except
exclude not except. how embarrassing.