ScrabbleSolver is a simple java program that finds the best (highest value) words to play from a given set of letters
It uses the public domain list of words from Enhanced North American Benchmark Lexicon (ENABLE), a public domain list of words used for games like Words with Friends
the word list is available from the dotnetperls-controls project
The program uses a Trie to store the words from the dictionary.
I wrote the Trie class for my Algorithms class in University, and then modified it to add functionality to search by a list of letters My implementation is probably quite inefficient, but the program is performant with the small (~180k) dictionary and # of characters to search
java scrabble a b c d e
where 'a b c d e' is any list of space-separated characters that you wish to find words for
output is a tab separated list in the form: word value output is sorted by the word's scrabble value in decreasing order