make sure you have node, npm and yarn installed on your machine
- run following commands to install eth-cli globally on your local machine
git clone
cd eth-cli
yarn install-globally
run eth --version
command to check if eth-cli is installed properly
Usage: eth {command name}
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
balance get balance of address
blocknumber get latest block number
block get block data
transaction get transaction data
compile compile solidity smart contract. outputs abi and object code in compiled directory. currently compilation of solidity files without libraries(importing other
solidity files) is supported
deploy deploy a contract
interact interact with already deployed contract
sendEth send ether to address
store store addresses and keys
help [command] display help for command
Easy to use and understand command line interface
The eth-cli stores the encrypted private keys which can only be accessed using secure password. The address and encrypted private keys are stored at
path -
The eth-cli provided usefull commands which can be used to retrieve data and interact with blockchain easily. User can send eth, compile, deploy and interact with contracts.
The eth-cli provides a command to interact with any contract deployed over the network. You just need to create, compile and deploy contract and start interacting with it using eth-cli. You can virtually do anything using eth-cli what contract is capable of doing. note: you need contract address and abi to interact with it
eth-cli comes with a build in solidity compiler
Easy to read and formated JSON output of the commands
Option to choose between networks pops before every command in ran. note: default selected network is goerli testnet to switch to mainnet use arrow keys to select mainnet. currently only goerli and mainet are supported
- To get all available commands and their description
eth [--help | -h]
Run a command using eth {command}
syntax. List all the available commands using eth --help | -h
After writing a command to use press enter and answer the followup questions
eth store
command can be used to store pirvate keys and addresses such as public address, contract address, transaction hash, block hash, etc in key value pairs.
The key can be used later in questions to make things easy. Storing private keys need a password and you need to supply password everytime you use your private key