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Azure Devops Kubernetes Manager

azd-kubernetes-manager manages Kubernetes resources for Azure Devops.

Azure Devops Abilities

  • Taking actions from Service Hooks.

Kubernetes Abilities

  • Deleting resources.


The configuration file is a YAML file. See for more.


First, add this repo to Helm:

helm repo add azd-kubernetes-manager
helm repo update

Then use this command to install it:

helm upgrade --install --namespace=kube-public azd-kubernetes-manager azd-kubernetes-manager/azd-kubernetes-manager

Helm Chart Values

Parameter Description Default
nameOverride An override value for the name.
fullnameOverride An override value for the full name.
minReadySeconds The deployment's minReadySeconds. 0
revisionHistoryLimit Number of Deployment versions to keep. 10
updateStrategy The Deployment Update Strategy. {type:RollingUpdate,rollingUpdate:{maxUnavailable:0}}
image.repository The Docker Hub repository of the deployment.
image.tag The image tag of the deployment. latest version
image.pullPolicy The image pull policy. IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Image Pull Secrets to use. []
logLevel The log level (debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency, none) info
rate The period to poll Azure Devops and the Kubernetes API 10s
combinePorts If true, health and metrics will be exposed on the same port as service hooks. false
username The username to use for Service Hook basic authentication.
password The password to use for Service Hook basic authentication.
configuration The contents of the configuration file. { "serviceHooks" : [] }
resources.requests.cpu The CPU requests of the deployment. 0.05
resources.requests.memory The memory requests of the deployment. 16Mi
resources.limits.cpu The CPU limits of the deployment. 0.1
resources.limits.memory The memory limits of the deployment. 64Mi
service.type The Service type. LoadBalancer
service.externalTrafficPolicy The Service External Traffic Policy (non-ClusterIP services). Local
service.port The port for service hooks (and health/metrics if combinePorts is true). 80
service.nodePort The node port for service hooks (and health/metrics if combinePorts is true).
service.labels Labels to add to the Service. {}
service.annotations Annotations to add to the Service. {}
ingress.enabled Whether to add an Ingress. false
ingress.hosts The Ingress hosts. This is a string array. []
ingress.basePath The base path to prepend to all paths (service hooks, metrics, health checks).
ingress.labels Labels to add to the Ingress. {}
ingress.annotations Annotations to add to the Ingress. {}
ingress.tls.enabled Whether to enable Ingress TLS on the hosts. false
ingress.tls.secretName The name of the secret for Ingress TLS.
livenessProbe.failureThreshold The failure threshold for the liveness probe. 3
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The initial delay for the liveness probe. 1
livenessProbe.periodSeconds The liveness probe period. 10
livenessProbe.successThreshold The success threshold for the liveness probe. 1
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds The timeout for the liveness probe. 1
labels Labels to add to the Deployment. {}
annotations Annotations to add to the Deployment. {}
podLabels Labels to add to the Pod. {}
podAnnotations Annotations to add to the Pod. {}
pdb.enabled Whether to enable a PodDisruptionBudget. false
pdb.minAvailable The minimum number of pods to keep. Incompatible with maxUnavailable. 50%
pdb.maxUnavailable The maximum unvailable pods. Incompatible with minAvailable. 50%
rbac.create Whether to create Role Based Access for the deployment. true
rbac.clusterRules The PolicyRules for a ClusterRole. []
rbac.rules A map with namespaces as the key and a PolicyRule array as the value. {}
rbac.psp.enabled Whether to create a PodSecurityPolicy for the deployment. false If set, the name of the PodSecurityPolicy to use, or create if rbac.psp.enabled is true.
rbac.psp.labels Labels to add to the PodSecurityPolicy. {}
rbac.psp.annotations Annotations to add to the PodSecurityPolicy. {}
rbac.psp.appArmorProfile The AppArmor profile to use (if empty, AppArmor annotations will not be added to the PodSecurityPolicy). runtime/default
rbac.psp.seccompProfile The Seccomp profile to use (if empty, seccomp annotations will not be added to the PodSecurityPolicy). runtime/default
serviceAccount.create Whether to create a service account for the deployment. true The name of an existing SA serviceAccount.create is false.
serviceAccount.labels Labels to add to the ServiceAccount. {}
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the ServiceAccount. {}
serviceMonitor.enabled Create a prometheus-operator ServiceMonitor. false
serviceMonitor.namespace The namespace to install the ServiceMonitor. Release namespace
serviceMonitor.labels Labels to add to the ServiceMonitor. {}
serviceMonitor.annotations Annotations to add to the ServiceMonitor. {}
serviceMonitor.honorLabels Set honorLabels on the ServiceMonitor spec.
serviceMonitor.interval The scrape interval on the ServiceMonitor. Defaults to rate
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings metricRelabelings to set on the ServiceMonitor. false
serviceMonitor.relabelings relabelings to set on the ServiceMonitor. false
grafanaDashboard.enabled Create a ConfigMap with a Grafana dashboard. false
grafanaDashboard.labels Labels to add to the Grafana dashboard ConfigMap. {"grafana_dashboard":"1"}
dnsPolicy The pod DNS policy. null
dnsConfig The pod DNS config. {}
restartPolicy The pod restart policy. Always
nodeSelector The pod node selector. {}
tolerations The pod node tolerations. {}
affinity The pod node affinity. {}
securityContext The pod security context. {runAsUser:1000,runAsGroup:2000,fsGroup:3000,runAsNonRoot:true}
hostNetwork Whether to use the host network of the node. false
initContainers Init containers to add. []
lifecycle Lifecycle (postStart, preStop) for the pod. {}
sidecars Additional containers to add. []

Docker Hub

Docker Hub link.


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