This repository contains example code for an article in the German Java Magazin about an introduction into the Akka Framework. The article uses solving sudokus as example domain.
The packages cover different examples. The following ones are available:
- hello contains a simple Hello World actor to show the basic anatomy of an actor.
- The packages below sudoku contain examples based on solving sudokus. Here the following sub packages are provided:
- solver contains the classes used to define sudokus and to solve them. Here a simple back-tracking algorithm is implemented.
- msg defines common messages used for the interaction with example actors; some messages are shared between examples.
- request is an example of an actor that is invoked using the ask pattern and returns an answer. It can solve a sudoku and returns the solution.
- router contains an example for solving sudokus in parallel. There is a service actor which is called with requests to solve sudokus. It then delegates these requests to child router actors that handle verification and solving of sudokus. The package also demonstrates error handling and the Akka death watch feature.