Utilities for Open Cluster Management ManifestWork
OCM ManifestWork is an array of Kubernetes resources.
I found the code for performing get, add, update, and remove operations on resources within ManifestWork a bit complex, so I thought about creating utilities for these tasks.
You first need to create a WorkUtilsClient. It requires passing *runtime.Scheme
as an argument.
client := workutils.NewWorkUtilsClient(scheme.Scheme)
If resources not included in scheme.Scheme
are present in ManifestWork, AddToScheme
for those resources is necessary.
For example, in the case of CRD:
import (
apiextensionsv1 "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1"
s = scheme.Scheme
client := workutils.NewWorkUtilsClient(s)
After creating the client, you can perform Get, Add, Update, and Remove operations.
func (client *WorkUtilsClient) Get(work workapiv1.ManifestWork, resource Resource) (runtime.Object, error)
func (client *WorkUtilsClient) Add(work workapiv1.ManifestWork, obj runtime.Object) (workapiv1.ManifestWork, error)
func (client *WorkUtilsClient) Update(work workapiv1.ManifestWork, obj runtime.Object) (workapiv1.ManifestWork, error)
func (client *WorkUtilsClient) Remove(work workapiv1.ManifestWork, resource Resource) (workapiv1.ManifestWork, error)
func (client *WorkUtilsClient) Diff(old workapiv1.ManifestWork, new workapiv1.ManifestWork) (added []runtime.Object, removed []runtime.Object, updated []runtime.Object, err error)