GDC is Open Source, Github Repositories containing source code of GDC Applications can be found on GDC GitHub Organization page.
- GDC Data Portal:
- GDC Legacy Archive:
- GDC Data Transfer Tool:
- GDC Data Dictionary:
- GDC Data Model:
- GDC Psqlgraph:
Please direct technical questions to GDC Support.
- Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.
- mkdocs
- BSCodeTabs for mkdocs
pip install -r requirements
mkdocs serve
(optionally set port--dev-addr=<PORT>
mkdocs build --clean
- All Shared content in the "Commons" directory
- One Directory per GDC product (API, Data_Portal, Data_Submission_Portal, Data_Transfer_Tool)
- Each GDC product have a Users_Guide and Release_Notes directory
To another documentation page
[Authentication and Authorization](../../Commons/
Inside another documentation page
[Authentication and Authorization](../../Commons/
The convention for this, when updating mkdocs.yml is the following:
- <url ending in .pdf>: '' example:
- fa-file-pdf-o Download PDF /API/PDF/API_UG.pdf: ''
A detailed list of all conventions is available on GDC Website
Install mkdocs2pandoc, following instructions available here:
Prepare a yml file dedicated to your Userguide, using Data_Portal_UG.yml as an example.
Run the following commands to:
- Convert the User Guide to Pandoc:
- Tweak the pandoc file
- Build a PDF
mkdocs2pandoc -f Data_Portal_UG.yml -o docs/Data_Portal/PDF/Data_portal_UG.pd
sed -i -e 's/# / /g' docs/Data_Portal/PDF/Data_portal_UG.pd
sed -i -e 's/### /## /g' docs/Data_Portal/PDF/Data_portal_UG.pd
sed -i -e 's/\/site\//\/docs\//g' docs/Data_Portal/PDF/Data_portal_UG.pd
pandoc --toc -V documentclass=report -V geometry:"top=2cm, bottom=1.5cm, left=1cm, right=1cm" -f markdown+grid_tables+table_captions -o docs/Data_Portal/PDF/Data_portal_UG.pdf docs/Data_Portal/PDF/Data_portal_UG.pd