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Fast and easy way to create form in React


Using npm

npm install @oladimillion/react-form

Using yarn

yarn add @oladimillion/react-form

Basic Usage


import { Form, Field, SubmitButton } from '@oladimillion/react-form'

const validationRules = {
  text: {
    validation: ['required'],
    message: {
      required: 'This text field is required'

const initialValues = {
  text: 'react form',

const MyForm = () => {

  const onSubmit = async ({ values, errors, submitting, resetForm, setFormError, setFormValue }) => {
    // perform async action here

  return (
      <Field type='text' label='Text Field' name='text' placeholder='Text field' />


<Form />

Form handles the form's validation, change and submit events.


Form props

  • onSubmit(Object: { values: object, errors: objects, submitting: boolean, resetForm: function, setFormError: function, setFormValue: function }) required

    Called when submit event is triggered.

    • values: object

      Key-value pair of field names and values.

    • errors: object

      Key-value pair of field names and errors.

    • submitting: boolean

      true when form is submitting.

    • setFormValue(values: object, useInitialValues: boolean): void

      Updates the form state with values.

    • setFormError(errors: object, useInitialErrors: boolean): void

      Updates the form state with errors.

    • resetForm(): void

      Resets the form state.

  • validationRules: object

    Allows form fields custom validation.

    Validatorjs is used in the form validation.

      const validationRules = {
        email: {
          validation: 'required|email', // validation in string format
      const validationRules = {
        email: {
          validation: ['required', 'email'], // validation in array format
      // custom validation message
      const validationRules = {
        email: {
          validation: ['required', 'email'],
          message: {
            required: 'Email field is required',
            email: 'Email provided is invalid',
      /* `depend` manages the dependency of a field on other fields */
      // depend as a function
      const validationRules = {
        email: {
          depend: (values, fieldName, fieldIndex) => {
            // `values` is the fields value in the form state
            // `fieldName` is the field name the depend is running against.
            // `fieldIndex` is the index of field in a field array. null for a non-array field.
            // perform your check here 
            // return a boolean value (true or false)
      // depend as an object
      const validationRules = {
        email: {
          depend: { field1: 'value1', field2: 'value2' } // email is dependent on field1 and field2
      // depend as a string
      const validationRules = {
        email: {
          depend: 'field1' // email is dependent on field1
      // depend as a boolean
      const validationRules = {
        email: {
          depend: true // `false` will hide email field 

    Validation rule for a FieldArray using dot notation

      const validationRules = {
        fieldArray.*.email: {
          validation: ['required', 'email'],
  • initialValues: object

    Defining initial value for form fields

  • readOnly: boolean

    Form can be made read only by setting readOnly prop to true

<Field />

Field hooks up inputs to the form state using the name attribute.

    import { Field } from '@oladimillion/react-form'

    <Field type='password' label='Password' name='password' />

Field props

  • name: string required

    Field name in the form state.

  • type: string

    Input types, which can be text, textarea, select, checkbox, radio, switch, email, url, password, file, or number.

  • placeholder: string

    Placeholder text for text, textarea, email, url, select, password and number input types.

  • label: string

    Field label.

  • renderLabel: function

    label can be customized using the renderLabel prop.

          renderLabel={() => <label>My label</label>}
  • renderErrorMessage(Object: { errors: array }): ReactComponent<array>

    Field's error messages can be customized using the renderErrorMessage prop.

          renderErrorMessage={({ errors }) => => <span>{error}</span>)}
  • options: array

    radio and select input types recieves options prop to render choices. options is a list of text: string and value: number|boolean|string object.

        // radio input type
          label='Radio Field'
          options={[{ text: 'Yes', value: 'yes' }, {text: 'No', value: 'no' }]} 
        // select input type
          label='Select Field'
          options={[{ text: 'Good', value: 3 }, { text: 'Better', value: 2 }, { text: 'Best', value: 1 }]} 
          placeholder='Placeholder Text'
  • as: ReactComponent

    Input fields are rendered using Semantic UI React components. But with as prop, custom input field can be rendered instead.

        const TextArea = (props) => <textarea {...props} row={3} placeholder='description...' />
          label='Text area'

<FieldArray />

Groups of Field can be rendered using FieldArray.

Each Field in a FieldArray must have a name composed from the FieldArray name, field index and field name. eg.

    import { Field, FieldArray } from '@oladimillion/react-form'

    <FieldArray name='fieldArray' label='Field Array'>
      {({ values, add, remove }) => (
        <FieldArray.Item mb={2}>
          {, index) => (
            <FieldArray.Item key={index}>
              <FieldArray.RemoveButton onClick={() => remove(index)} />
              <Field type='textarea' label='TextArea Field' name={`fieldArray.${index}.textarea`} />
              <FieldArray.Divider />
          <FieldArray.AddButton onClick={add} />

FieldArray props

  • name: string required

    FieldArray name in the form state.

  • label: string

    FieldArray label.

  • render(object: { value: array, add: function, remove: function }): ReactComponent

    values holds the items' value, add(value: any): void adds a new item to the array fields, and remove(index: integer): void removes an item from the array fields using its index.

      render={({ values, add, remove }) => (...)}
  • children(object: { value: array, add: function, remove: function }): ReactComponent

    Same as render prop, but the function is passed as children.

      {({ values, add, remove }) => (...)}


useField is a custom react hook that let you hook up to the form state using the field name.

    import { useField, Form } from '@oladimillion/react-form'

    const CustomField = () => {
      const name = 'text'
      const { value, onChange, onBlur, required, readOnly } = useField(name)
      return (
          <label>Field label</label>

    const MyForm = () => {
      const onSubmit = () => {}

      return (
        <Form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
          <CustomField />

useField returned props

  • value: any

    Field's value.

  • error: array

    Field's validation error.

  • onChange(e: ChangeEvent): void

    Change event handler.

  • handleChange(e: ChangeEvent): void

    Change event handler.

  • onBlur(e: BlurEvent): void

    Blur event handler.

  • setValue(value: any): void

    Set the field's value.

  • setError(error: string): void

    Set the field's error.


useFormContext is a custom react hook that let you hook up to the form state.

    import { useFormContext } from '@oladimillion/react-form'

    const formContext = useFormContext()

useFormContext returned props

  • values: object

    Form fields' value.

  • errors: object

    Form fields' validation error.

  • handleSubmit(e: SubmitEvent): void

    Submit event handler.

  • handleChange(e: ChangeEvent): void

    Change event handler.

  • onBlur(e: BlurEvent): void

    Blur event handler.

  • setFieldValue(fieldName: string, fieldValue: any): void

    Set the field's value.

  • setFieldError(fieldName: string, fieldError: string): void

    Set the field's error.

  • setSubmitting(submitting: boolean): void

    Set submitting to true or false.

  • resetForm(): void

    Resets the form state.

  • submitting: boolean

    true when form is submitting.

  • dirty: boolean

    true when form is dirty.

  • readOnly: boolean

    true when form is read only.

  • setFormValue(values: object, useInitialValues: boolean): void

    Updates the form state with values.

  • setFormError(errors: object, useInitialErrors: boolean): void

    Updates the form state with errors.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.