Simple declarative and universal A/B testing component for React.
npm install react-ab --save
bower install react-ab --save
Using Mixpanel.
var Experiment = require("react-ab").Experiment
, Variant = require("react-ab").Variant;
var App = React.createClass({
choice: function (experiment, variant, index) {
"tagline": variant
, click: function (e) {
, render: function () {
return (
<Experiment onChoice={this.choice} name="tagline">
<Variant name="normal">
<h1> A A/B testing component for React </h1>
<Variant name="enterprise">
<h1> A vertically integrated React component </h1>
<Variant name="lies">
<h1> One weird React component that will increase your metrics by 100%! </h1>
<a onClick={} href="//">React AB component</a>
Using Google Universal Analytics. Requires a Custom Dimension.
var Experiment = require("react-ab").Experiment
, Variant = require("react-ab").Variant;
var randomGoogle = function () {
// base randomness off analytics.js client id.
var clientId = tracker.get("clientId");
return (parseFloat(clientId, 10) % 100) / 100;
var App = React.createClass({
choice: function (experiment, variant) {
var dimension = 1; // Index of your custom dimension.
ga("set", "dimension" + dimension, experiment + ": " + variant);
, click: function (e) {
ga("send", "event", "click", "link");
, render: function () {
return (
<Experiment onChoice={this.choice} random={randomGoogle} name="tagline">
<Variant name="normal">
<h1> A A/B testing component for React </h1>
<Variant name="enterprise">
<h1> A vertically integrated React component </h1>
<Variant name="lies">
<h1> One weird React component that will increase your metrics by 100%! </h1>
<a onClick={} href="//">React AB component</a>
Universality is achieved by setting get, set, clear
. Here is an example
server side with Express.js and using ES6:
import express from "express";
import cookieParser from "cookie-parser";
import React from "react/addons";
import { Experiment, Variant } from "react-ab";
var App = React.createClass({
choice: function (experiment, variant, index) {
console.log(experiment, variant, index);
, render: function () {
return (
<Experiment {...this.props} onChoice={this.choice} name="tagline">
<Variant name="normal">
<h1> A A/B testing component for React </h1>
<Variant name="enterprise">
<h1> A vertically integrated React component </h1>
<Variant name="lies">
<h1> One weird React component that will increase your metrics by 100%! </h1>
var app = express();
app.get("/", function (req, res) {
get={(x) => req.cookies[x]}
set={(x, y) => res.cookie(x, y)}
Name of experiment, this prop is required. Should be something that describes the category being tested like color or title.
Callback that fires when a variant is chosen. Gets arguments experiment name
, variant name
, variant index
and was retrieved?
. was retrieved?
is true if the variant was retrieved using the get
usually from a cookie.
Random function, should return a number in the range [0, 1). The default uses
when available and falls back on Math.random
A function that takes an experiment
and returns a variant
. By
default uses browser cookies.
A function that takes an experiment
and variant
and stores it. By
default uses browser cookies.
A function that clears/unsets an experiment
. By
default uses browser cookies.
get, set, clear, random
can also be set from context
. If these props
exists they overwrite context
function taken from context
function taken from context
function taken from context
function taken from context
Returns the name of the current variant.
Choose a new variant.
Clear the experiment cookie.
Name of variant, this props is required. Should be something descriptive of the attribute the variant represent like red or large.
MIT Licensed