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The command-line tool that gives easy access to all of the capabilities of B2 Cloud Storage.
This program provides command-line access to the B2 service.
Version 0.5.5
This tool can be installed with:
pip install b2
If you see a message saying that the six
library cannot be installed, which
happens if you're installing with the system python on OS X El Capitan, try
pip install --ignore-installed b2
b2 authorize_account [<accountId>] [<applicationKey>]
b2 cancel_all_unfinished_large_files <bucketName>
b2 cancel_large_file <fileId>
b2 clear_account
b2 create_bucket <bucketName> [allPublic | allPrivate]
b2 delete_bucket <bucketName>
b2 delete_file_version <fileName> <fileId>
b2 download_file_by_id [--noProgress] <fileId> <localFileName>
b2 download_file_by_name [--noProgress] <bucketName> <fileName> <localFileName>
b2 get_file_info <fileId>
b2 help [commandName]
b2 hide_file <bucketName> <fileName>
b2 list_buckets
b2 list_file_names <bucketName> [<startFileName>] [<maxToShow>]
b2 list_file_versions <bucketName> [<startFileName>] [<startFileId>] [<maxToShow>]
b2 list_parts <largeFileId>
b2 list_unfinished_large_files <bucketName>
b2 ls [--long] [--versions] <bucketName> [<folderName>]
b2 make_url <fileId>
b2 sync [--delete] [--keepDays N] [--skipNewer] [--replaceNewer] \
[--threads N] [--noProgress] <source> <destination>
b2 update_bucket <bucketName> [allPublic | allPrivate]
b2 upload_file [--sha1 <sha1sum>] [--contentType <contentType>] [--info <key>=<value>]* \
[--noProgress] [--threads N] <bucketName> <localFilePath> <b2FileName>
b2 version
For more details on one command: b2 help <command>
You can find a bash completion
script in the contrib
directory. See this for installation instructions.
You'll need to have these packages installed:
- nose
- pyflakes
- six
- yapf
There is a Makefile with a rule to run the unit tests using the currently active Python:
make test
To test in multiple python virtual environments, set the enviroment variable PYTHON_VIRTUAL_ENVS to be a space-separated list of their root directories. When set, the makefile will run the unit tests in each of the environments.
Before checking in, use the script to check code formatting, run unit tests, and run integration tests.
The integration tests need a file in your home directory called .b2_auth
that contains two lines with nothing on them but your account ID and application key: