Summary of NLP related research work in the field of law in recent years, contains paper, competition and some excellent projects, online system.
It will be updated gradually.
- Outline
Learning to predict charges for criminal cases with legal basis(2017), Bingfeng Luo et al. [PDF] [Blog]
Multi-Task CNN for Classification of Chinese Legal Questions(2017), Guangyi Xiao et al. [PDF]
An Ontological Chinese Legal Consultation System(2017), Ni Zhang et al. [PDF]
Legal NLP Introduction(2017), Adeline Nazarenko et al. [PDF]
Exploring the use of text classification in the legal domain(2017), Octavia-Maria Sulea et al. [PDF]
Predicting the Law Area and Decisions of French Supreme Court Cases(2017), Octavia-Maria Sulea et al. [PDF]
Text summarization from legal documents: a survey(2017), Ambedkar Kanapala et al. [PDF]
Applying Deep Neural Network to Retrieve Relevant Civil Law Articles(2017), Anh Hang Nga Tran et al. [PDF]
Overview of cail2018: legal judgment prediction competition(2018), Haoxi Zhong et al. [PDF] [Code]
CAIL2018: A Large-Scale Legal Dataset for Judgment Prediction(2018), Chaojun Xiao et al. [PDF]
Few-shot charge prediction with discriminative legal attributes(2018), Zikun Hu et al. [PDF] [Code]
Interpretable rationale augmented charge prediction system(2018), Xin Jiang et al. [PDF]
Interpretable Charge Predictions for Criminal Cases: Learning to Generate Court Views from Fact Descriptions(2018), Hai Ye et al. [PDF] [Code]
Legal judgment prediction via topological learning(2018), Haoxi Zhong et al. [PDF] [Code]
SECaps: A Sequence Enhanced Capsule Model for Charge Prediction(2018), Congqing He et al. [PDF]
A Markov Logic Networks Based Method to Predict Judicial Decisions of Divorce Cases(2018), Jiajing Li et al. [PDF]
Research and Design on Cognitive Computing Framework for Predicting Judicial Decisions(2018), Jiajing Li et al. [PDF]
Automatic judgment prediction via legal reading comprehension(2018), Shangbang Long et al. [PDF]
Law text classification using semi-supervised convolutional neural networks(2018), Penghua Li et al. [PDF]
人工智能与法律结合的现状及发展趋势(State-of-the-art and Development Trend of Artificial Intelligence Combined with Law)(2018), 黄俏娟等. [PDF]
法律与人工智能的法哲学思考——以大数据深度学习为考察重点(A Philosophic Though on the Law and AI)(2018), 吴旭阳. [PDF]
人工智能介入司法领域路径分析(Methods of Judicial Application of AI Technologies)(2018), 潘庸鲁. [PDF]
智能辅助:AI下民商事办案系统的建构——以裁判思维与要件标注为切入点(AI Assistance: How to Handle Civil and Commercial Cases)(2018), 蔡一博. [PDF]
我国司法人工智能建设的问题与应对(Judicial AI in China: Issues and Solutions)(2018), 程凡卿. [PDF]
NLP Based Latent Semantic Analysis for Legal Text Summarization(2018), Kaiz Merchant et al. [PDF]
A Methodology for a Criminal Law and Procedure Ontology for Legal Question Answering(2018), Biralatei Fawei et al. [PDF]
Deep learning in law: early adaptation and legal word embeddings trained on large corpora(2018), Ilias Chalkidis et al. [PDF]
让AI当法官(BDCI2017), 2017年, 举办单位(明略数据 & 中国计算机学会)[Detail]
"中国法研杯" ---- 司法人工智能挑战赛(CAIL2018),2018年,举办单位(中国司法大数据研究院、中国中文信息学会、中电科系统团委联合清华大学、北京大学、中国科学院软件研究所)[Detail] [Blog-1] [Blog-2]
update later.
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