An Ethereum 2 multi-node validator client.
Binaries for the latest version of Vouch can be obtained from the releases page.
You can obtain the latest version of Vouch using docker with:
docker pull attestant/vouch
Vouch is a standard Go module which can be installed with:
go get
Vouch sits between the beacon node(s) and signer(s) in an Ethereum 2 validating infrastructure. It runs as a standard daemon process. The following documents provide information about configuring and using Vouch:
- Getting started starting Vouch for the first time
- Prometheus metrics Prometheus metrics
- Grafana dashboard based on prometheus metrics
- Configuration Sample annotated configuration file
- Account manager Details of the supported account managers
- Execution configuration Details of the execution configuration
- Graffiti Details of the graffiti provider
Jim McDonald: @mcdee.
Contributions welcome. Please see the doc.
Apache-2.0 © 2020 Attestant Limited.