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Awesome React State Management Awesome


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  • agile-ts - Spacy, fast, simple State Management Framework
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  • akita - State Management Tailored-Made for JS Applications
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  • alt - Isomorphic flux implementation
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  • apollo-client - A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server
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  • behavior-tree - Manage React state with Behavior Trees
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  • cerebral - Declarative state and side effects management for popular JavaScript frameworks
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  • clearx - Fast & Effortless state management for React with zero learning curve.
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  • concent - State management that tailored for react, it is simple, predictable, progressive and efficient.
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  • constate - React Context + State = constate.
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  • controllerim - A state management library for React
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  • dakpan - A small React state management library using the new React context.
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  • democrat - React, but for state management only (hooks & component API).
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  • derivablejs - Functional Reactive State for JavaScript and TypeScript
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  • dob - Light and fast state management tool using proxy.
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  • dutier - The immutable, async and hybrid state management solution for Javascript applications.
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  • easy-peasy - Vegetarian friendly state for React
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  • effector - The state manager
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  • freactal - Clean and robust state management for React and React-like libs.
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  • freezer - A tree data structure that emits events on updates, even if the modification is triggered by one of the leaves, making it easier to think in a reactive way.
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  • hookstate - The flexible, fast and extendable state management for React that is based on hooks
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  • icestore - Lightweight state management solution based on React Hooks.
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  • iostore - Based on React Hooks API
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  • jotai - Primitive, flexible state management for React (Recoil-like)
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  • kea - Production Ready State Management for React
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  • laco - Ultra lightweight state management for React and Inferno
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  • mobx - Simple, scalable state management
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  • mobx-keystone - A MobX powered state management solution based on data trees with first class support for Typescript, support for snapshots, patches and much more
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  • mobx-state-tree - Opinionated, transactional, MobX powered state container combining the best features of the immutable and mutable world for an optimal DX
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  • nanostores - A tiny state manager for React, Preact, Vue, Svelte, and vanilla JS.
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  • outstated - Simple hooks-based state management for React
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  • overmind - Overmind - Frictionless state management
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  • pure-store - A tiny immutable store with type safety.
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  • purestate - The stupidest state management library that works.
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  • react-automata - A state machine abstraction for React
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  • react-broadcast - Reliably communicate state changes to deeply nested React elements.
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  • react-composer - Prevents deeply nested code when consuming multiple contexts at the same time.
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  • react-context-connector - React HOC to the new Context API to keep the use as simple as React-Redux connect HOC.
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  • react-context-global-state - A wrapper library around the Context API to define global state without explicitly using class components.
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  • react-contextual - Is a tiny (less than 1KB) helper around React 16s new context api
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  • react-copy-write - Immutable state with a mutable API
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  • react-create-context - Polyfill for the proposed React context API.
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  • react-easy-state - Minimal React state management with the power of ES6 Proxies
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  • react-loadable-context - Small wrapper around the React Context API to asynchronously load and inject objects into the context.
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  • react-motive - Small wrapper around the React Context API with actions/dispatch style state management.
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  • react-nano-state - Fast state that can be shared across components outside of the React tree
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  • react-providers - A small library that creates a centralized place to store (like Redux store) your context components and HOC to use it. Automatically resolves dependencies between your context components.
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  • react-recollect - Simple state management for React
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  • react-redux - Official React bindings for Redux
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  • react-rhino - A simple global state management library for React.js
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  • react-simply - Super simple state management for React apps.
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  • react-sweet-state - Shared state management solution for React
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  • react-vuex - React bindings for Vuex, react-redux style
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  • react-waterfall - React store built on top of the new context API.
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  • react-zap - Zap props from one React component to another, using React new context API and your existing higher-order components.
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  • react-zedux - Create consumable contexts from observables, including Zedux/Redux stores.
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  • reactn - React, but with built-in global state management.
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  • reatom - State manager with a focus of all needs
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  • recoil - Recoil is an experimental state management library for React apps. It provides several capabilities that are difficult to achieve with React alone, while being compatible with the newest features of React.
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  • redux-box - Modular and easy-to-grasp redux based state management, with least boilerplate
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  • redux-react-hook - React Hook for accessing state and dispatch from a Redux store
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  • redux-rest-easy - Redux/React/React Native framework handling network requests, state management, selectors, caching and much more
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  • redux-zero - A lightweight state container based on Redux
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  • rematch - A Redux Framework
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  • remx - Opinionated mobx
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  • reworm - Reworm doesn't require you to use actions, connections or reducers. The simplest way to manage state!
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  • rex-state - The simplest state management tool for React
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  • robot - A functional, immutable Finite State Machine library
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  • rosmaro-react - Visual automata-based programming for React
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  • satcheljs - Satchel is a data store based on the Flux architecture. It is characterized by exposing an observable state that makes view updates painless and efficient.
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  • doux - Immutable reactivity system, made with ES6 Proxy.
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  • spaceace - A fancy immutable storage library for JavaScript
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  • stamen - A React state management library based on Hooks
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  • statek - Simple, reactive state management library for React and plain JS
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  • statex - StateX is a state management library for modern web applications with unidirectional data flow and immutable uni-state (just like redux)
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  • statty - A tiny and unobtrusive state management library for React and Preact apps
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  • statux - A straightforward React state management library with hooks and immutable state
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  • stent - Stent is combining the ideas of redux with the concept of state machines
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  • storeon - A tiny (173 bytes) event-based Redux-like state manager for React, Preact, Angular, and Svelte
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  • sunfish - Functional transaction based state management library
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  • teaful - Tiny, easy and powerful React state management
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  • tiny-atom - Minimal, yet awesome, state management.
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  • undux - Dead simple state management for React
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  • unistore - 350b / 650b state container with component actions for Preact & React
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  • unstated-next - 200 bytes to never think about React state management libraries ever again
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  • unstated - A tiny dependency that provides a handy wrapper around the Context API for dependency injection.
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  • use-between - Sharing React hooks stateful logic between components.
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  • valtio - Simple proxy-state.
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  • with-context - Decorator for new React Context API.
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  • xoid - Scalable, fine-grained, and minimal state-management library for React and vanilla JavaScript
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  • xstate - @xstate/react
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  • zustand - Bear necessities for state management in React
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⚛️ ・React state management tools and libraries






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