Convert a vectorial raster field into streamlines. The output is in a convenient GeoJSON format.
Install the latest version from the Python Package Index:
$ pip install windsaloft
To create the streamlines, a vectorial field is needed:
import numpy as np
import geojson
import pygrib
import windsaloft
grib ='data.grib2')
U/V Components
u ='u')[0].values
v ='v')[0].values
Convert GRIBs data to "standard" -180 to 180 extent global grids
u = np.roll(u, u.shape[1] // 2, axis=1)
v = np.roll(v, v.shape[1] // 2, axis=1)
Calculate streams
feature_collection = windsaloft.jet_streams(u, v, pixel_dist=5, min_value=10, smooth=2, zigzag_degrees=45)
Write output to a file
with open('streams.geojson', 'w') as fileout:
geojson.dump(feature_collection, fileout, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))