NuScale HW Jul 13 2023
The solutions to Questions 1, 2, and Part 1 of Question 3 are in the pdf file nuscale_hw_questions1_2_3.pdf
I've included the spreadsheet I used for steam table interpolation (ODS and XLSX versions)
I've also included the source LaTeX file for the nuscale_hw_questions1_2_3.pdf in main.tex
Plotting for Part 1 of Question 3 is done in Python in with the associated question_3_part1_plot.pdf
The remainder of Question 3 is done in Python in the script fails to accurately calculate the temperature distribution but the user input and file I/O work. user_input.csv specifies the user input for the system. First row is, in order, the initial temperature (float), the size of the timesteps to take in seconds (float), and the number of timesteps to take (int) Second row must be of at least size 1, and determines which timesteps to print the plots and temperature data for. These values must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the number of timesteps requested.
T_output.csv is a sample of the CSV file printed.
question_3_part3_test_plot_t_step_X.pdf are examples of the plots printed by the Python script.