Standalone blade template engine (8.0 spec)
This is currently work in progress. The goal is to replicate the functionality outlined in the 8.x spec as much as possible, as a standalone version without any dependencies.
I'll use this for WordPress themes (integration instructions will be posted later), and I really don't want to deal with composer for wordpress projects. Causes more issues than it solves..
- Razorblade follows the 8.x spec and doesn't add custom directives or functionality
- Razorblade supports
- BladeOne is better supported and battle tested longer than this project was
- BladeOne supports namespaces
- Any
(including FascadesJs::from
) classes, and other Laravel specific methods @auth
(you can still implement them yourself if required)@production
(you can still implement them yourself if required)- Component Classes, Component Methods and Component Namespaces (Razorblade supports standalone component files only)
- Service injection
- All form methods (you can still implement them yourself if required)
- {{ }}
- Escaping works
- Variables can be used
- Functions can be called
- Strings can be used ({{ 'hello' }})
- Can be escaped by prefixing it with an at-sign
- {!! !!}
- Does not escape anything
- Variables can be used
- Functions can be called
- Strings can be used ({{ 'hello' }})
- Can be escaped by prefixing it with an at-sign
- {{-- --}}
- General statement tests
- Can be escaped using an at-sign
- Are only parsed from files, never database or user supplied input
- Statements
- verbatim
- if
- else
- elseif
- endif
- unless
- endunless
- isset
- endisset
- empty
- endempty
- hasSection
- sectionMissing
- switch
- case
- break
- default
- endswitch
- for
- endfor
- foreach
- endforeach
- forelse
- empty
- endforelse
- while
- endwhile
- continue
- continue with condition
- break with condition
- $loop variable
- parent
- countables
- uncountables (while)
- class
- include
- with args
- includeif
- with args
- includeWhen
- with args
- includeUnless
- with args
- includeFirst
- with args
- each
- with empty view
- push
- once
- endpush
- stack
- component
- XHTML syntax (
) - with attributes
- merge attributes
- append css classes
- props
- with args
- slot
- section
- endsection
- yield
- show
- parent
- layout
- slot
- Implement scoped slots (@props)
- Expose API to allow for custom statements
- Implement pipes
- Implement comment block
- Implement verbatim statement