An experimental HTML5 mobile application that puts together the following libraries :
- scala-js to compile scala to javascript (see
- Ionic framework that brings an angular based mobile framework (see
- scala-js-angular that provides Angular bindings (see
- scalatags that provides a way to "compile" scala code to HTML files (see ( a SBT task has been specially devised to do so)
A live demo is available at
You will need to install the Ionic framework first (see
This application aims to be almost equivalent to the one created with : ionic start XXXXXXX tabs
There are several things you can customize in the Build.scala file :
// the output folder for the generated scala-js javascript files (and jsdeps and launcher and SourceMaps)
lazy val outputCompiledJS = new File("ionic/www/js")
// the output folder for the generated HTML files
lazy val outputCompiledHTML = new File("ionic/www")
// the input package folder that will be scanned to find scala files compilable to HTML
lazy val htmlScalaSourceDir = "com/olivergg/html"
To start development :
To compile scala files in the html package (htmlScalaSourceDir
) to HTML files :
during development or
for production.
Note : since ScalaTags is only a dependency of the app-jvm project, you can't put HtmlCompilable objects in the shared project, unless you add ScalaTags as a dependency of the app-js project as well
then, to run the app in the browser, you can use ionic built-in command
cd ionic
ionic serve
To create the fully optimized javascript version of the application (and to remove developement files (fastopt js, source maps, etc.)) :
is just an alias to
";cleanOutputJS ;packageJSDependencies ;packageScalaJSLauncher ;compileHtmlProdTask ;fullOptJS"
Then, you can use :
ionic run
to launch the application on a connected device
Use yet to be created scala-js bindings for the Cordova APINOT SURE, see the ngCordova TODO below- ~~Improve bindings for angular-ui-router (that should be merged with scalajs-angular)
- Improve bindings for ionic specific services (that should be put in a separate project)
- Use ngCordova to communicate with the cordova API
- Improve the documentation in this README and in the code.
use webjar to include ionic framework (only the javascript part of the framework).find a way to generate index-dev.html and index.html (for fastOptJS and fullOptJS) automatically.Use cross building (see to put the HtmlCompilable trait in a JVM project (to prevent them from being included in the output JS).- Use the shared directory to share code between the template scala files and the controllers/views.
- Test on iPhone/iPad devices (this only has been tested with Android).
The back button does not close the application on android (4.1) (must be related to the cordova API)Performance issue with a OnePlusOne device see> animation have been removed to circumvent this issue