A fun reddit bot that gets karma via reposting comments Trapped_in_Reddit style.
What it does is scan through the new posts in the subreddits that you point it to. It will search every new post on Karmadecay to see if it's a repost. If it is, then it will find the time when the post got the most karma, and will steal the top comment from it.
Using Furtum is generally pretty simple. You can leave it by itself for a while, and it shouldn't crash (for a while). If it does, message me with the error that it spits out and I'll try to fix it
Occasionally, it's mess up and post the wrong stuff. I think it's hilarious, so I don't intend to fix it.
You need PRAW and KD'api' Place the KDapi folder in the same directory as furtum.py and config.py.
Go through config.py and fill out everything.
Once you have set everything up, just run furtum.py. It'll give you updates on what it's doing.