Growing mathematics structures and components library for Java.
I've been teaching myself abstract algebra, and it fascinates me! Right now, I am working on group- and ring-like structures. I plan on adding more later (thinking logic operations). If the library grows large enough, I will probably split it into multiple modules.
The original goal was to provide abstractions for my crypto library, but I imagine I will expand upon this library after working on groups and rings.
This is not an alternative to or replacement for commons-math.
Right now, the focus is on group- and ring-like structures.
Here is a minimalistic naive implementation of the multiplicative group of integers modulo n, .
public class Zn
extends CommonAlgebraicStructure<Zn, Zn.ZnElement, BigInteger>
implements CommutativeGroup<Zn, Zn.ZnElement>, FiniteGroup<Zn, Zn.ZnElement> {
public Zn(final BigInteger n) {
this.n = n;
protected final BigInteger n;
public ZnElement uniformRandomElement() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
return getElement(BigIntegerUtils.random(getN(), new SecureRandom()));
public ZnElement getElementSafe(final BigInteger value) {
return new ZnElement(value);
public boolean hasElementSafe(final BigInteger value) {
return BigIntegerUtils.isInRange(value, BigInteger.ZERO, getN()); // [0,n)
public CommutativeGroupOperation<ZnElement> operation() {
return new MultiplicationOperation();
public Stream<ZnElement> elements() {
return Stream.iterate(BigInteger.ZERO, i -> i.compareTo(getN()) < 0, BigIntegerUtils::increment)
public BigInteger elementCount() {
return getN();
public final BigInteger getN() {
return n;
public class ZnElement
extends AbstractAlgebraicElement<ZnElement, Zn>
implements CommutativeGroupElement<ZnElement, Zn>, MultiplicativeMagmaElement<ZnElement, Zn> {
protected ZnElement(final BigInteger value) {
this.value = value;
protected final BigInteger value;
public BigInteger getValue() {
return value;
public class MultiplicationOperation implements CommutativeGroupOperation<ZnElement> {
public ZnElement perform(final ZnElement multiplier, final ZnElement multiplicand) {
return getElement(multiplier.getValue().multiply(multiplicand.getValue()).mod(getN()));
public ZnElement identity() {
return getElement(BigInteger.ONE);
public ZnElement inverse(final ZnElement element) {
return getElement(element.getValue().modInverse(getN()));