This is the Java template with code stubs for the MQ Badge developer challenge. You can use this code as a starting point as you build a messaging application that integrates a ticket reseller with a an event booking system.
Take a look at the IBM Developer Essentials course
The main entry point for the reseller application is in
For the challenge you will make code updates to
To compile run
javac -cp ./ com/ibm/mq/demo/*.java
The application will run as a code stub. When run the application logs will indicate where code changes need to be made.
To run the application
java -cp ./
You can override the default MQ connection settings using environment variables on the system where you run your Reseller application code.
- MQ_BADGE_QM_HOSTNAME - Specify the Host name or IP address of your queue manager
- MQ_BADGE_QM_NAME - Set the queue manager name
- MQ_BADGE_QM_PORT - Listener port for your queue manager
- MQ_BADGE_CHANNEL - MQ Channel name
- MQ_BADGE_USER - User name that application uses to connect to MQ
- MQ_BADGE_PASSWORD - Password that the application uses to connect to MQ