My own personal engine made for educational purposes. The development of this project is inactive, for I got new projects to work on. I learned a great deal of concepts and gained experience from making this engine, so it was worth the effort.
- MoveComponent
Component that handles position, velocity, and acceleration
- SpriteComponent
Component that handles sprites and drawing
- CollisionComponent
Component that handles collision
- PropsComponent
Handles properties
- FuncQComponent
handles function queues
- Camera
Camera with zoom, position, and size in addition to screen position and screen size
Press F1 to type a command
- createVec2(x, y) - creates a 2d Vector
- setPos(entity id, vec2) - sets the position of an entity
- createBoxes(x, y, no. boxes) - creates a row of boxes
- getMousePos() - return Vec2 of mouse pos
- mBox(x, y) - creates a box
- player(Vec2) - creates a player
- follow(ID) - camera follow entity provided
- getMC(ID) - gets movement component
- setMC(ID) - sets movement component
- none
TwinklebearDev SDL 2.0 Tutorial - awesome SDL 2 tutorial