DumbNotes.nvim is a simple Neovim plugin for managing and searching your notes.
- Create new notes in any format you choose (defaults to markdown)
- Delete existing notes
- List all notes using fd
- Search through notes using ripgrep
Add the following to your init.lua
dependencies = "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim",
- List all notes in the notes directory.:DumbNotesGrep
- Search through notes using ripgrep.
Within the Telescope prompt for notes:
- Open the selected note.<C-n>
- Create a new note.<C-d>
- Delete the selected note.<C-f>
- Search notes using ripgrep.
Add the following setup code to your init.lua
or init.vim
notes_format = "md", -- Format of the notes
notes_path = "~/Notes", -- Path to the notes directory
find_recursively = false, -- Find notes recursively in path
mappings = {
new_note_key = "<C-n>", -- Keybinding to create a new note
delete_note_key = "<C-d>", -- Keybinding to delete a note
search_note_key = "<C-f>", -- Keybinding to search notes
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.