This is the home of the omath project.
We're writing a computer algebra system called omath which should be able to run many simple Mathematica programs.
==Getting started==
Checkout a copy of the git repository, then run
./sbt "omath-ui/run-main org.omath.ui.repl.omath"
to get a text-mode interface.
==Running omath==
- There is a very primitive javascript client connected to an omath kernel running on Heroku available at
- You can use the same javascript client with a local instance of the kernel, launched via Java Web Start from
- As above
./sbt "omath-ui/run-main org.omath.ui.repl.omath"
gives a Read-Eval-Print loop.
Perhaps one day you'll be able to:
- The javascript client may be able to talk directly to a kernel running as an applet within the browser.
- The mathematica front-end can use an omath kernel.
- Compile the entire omath project to javascript and run in the browser.
==Project organization==
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tungsten patterns parser bootstrap
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