This is the development repository for a Master's Thesis in Computer Engineering.
-- /
|-- source/ (Verilog Sources)
|-- tests/ (RISCV Compliance Tests)
|-- software/ (Platform Specific Software Libraries)
|-- coremark/ (Coremark Port Source Files)
|-- dhrystone/ (Dhrystone Port Source Files)
|-- tinycrypt/ (NIST P-256 Source Files)
|-- CycloneCrypto/ (Curve25519 Source Files)
|-- FourQ_RV32/ (FourQ Source Files)
|-- analysis/ (Benchmark Results)
- GNU Make is required.
- RISCV toolchain with rv32ec support is required for compilation. (
- Verilator ( or Icarus Verilog ( is required for simulation.
- GTKWave ( is required for viewing simuation outputs.
make test_all
Runs all RISCV compliance tests
make coremark
Runs Coremark benchmark
make dhrystone
Runs Dhrystone benchmark
make fourq
Runs specified FourQ benchmark
make p256
Runs specified NIST P256 benchmark
make c25519
Runs Curves25519 benchmark
make synth
make sta
Synthesize and do STA with Qflow on OSU018 technology
- Argument
Enables logging simulation to vcd file
- Argument
0 - Disables use of custom instruction
1 - Enables custom intruction with atomic execution
2 - Enables custom intruction with partial execution
- Argument
Specifies which FourQ test to run
- Argument
Specifies which NIST P256 test to run
Example: make fourq FOURQ_TEST=fp_test DUMP_TRACE=0