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A text adventure game where you act as an antivirus attempting to rid a computer of a RANSOMWARE attack.

How to run


  • Python 3

Then, run one of the following commands to get started:

python3 src/bitmasher_game/


BitMasher is avalible on PyPi (, and can be installed by running the following command(s):

pip install bitmasher_game

You can also install it with Nix from the NUR ( with the following attribute:



Each option you can select will be shown by a single character in paranthesis. Typing that character and hitting ENTER will select that option.

How to Play

You are an antivirus trying to rid a computer of a RANSOMWARE before it takes over the system. There is a finite amount of time before the system is fully infected.

In order to defeat it, you must find all items before you find the RANSOMWARE. If you do not, you will not be able to EXTRACT it and you will lose.

Each system (room) contains an item, which you can move to; UP, DOWN, LEFT, AND RIGHT. Keep in mind that the map is NOT 2D; Moving RIGHT, UP, LEFT, and DOWN will lead to a different room than the one you started in. The map is "Spiky" so-to-speak.

You have a SCANner to aid in figuring out which rooms contain items and which have RANSOMWARE. Using the SCANner will reveal what the surronding rooms contain, and the room you are currently in will be automatically SCANned for you. But beware: SCANning takes time. Also, occasionaly a SCAN will fail and need to be repeated.


There is a section at the top of the program file src/bitmasher_game/ containing configuration options. All config options bear a description detailing what they modify and what values they accept.

How to Build (for distribution)


  • Python 3.
  • Python build module.

There is a flake.nix you can use with nix develop path:. to generate a development environment.

Then, run the following command(s) in the project directory:

python3 -m build

The built packages will appear in dist/.

Release Notes

  • "Improved" lose sequence.