A simple GUI tool based on DepotDownloader for downloading older versions of Steam games.
You can download older versions of Steam games!!!:sunglasses:
Go to This tutorial.
Download and unzip the program. (You can download it Here)
Run DepotDownloaderGUI.exe.
First enter your Steam credentials at "Username" and "Password" (Don't worry, it's safe!)
Click on "SteamDB Instant Search".
Enter your game of choice at the search bar and select the game.
Copy the App ID and paste it in the program at "App ID"
Click on "Depots" in the sidebar.
Select the Windows depot (usually it is Win32)
Copy the Depot ID and paste it in the program at "Depot ID"
Click on "Manifests" in the sidebar
Choose a Manifest(game version) of choice and copy its ID and paste it in the program at "Manifest ID"
Click on "Start Download", a terminal will pop up and will show the download progress.
Once the download is done, close the program. The downloaded game is stored in the folder "YourGame"
⚠️ Once the download progress is complete, Move the downloaded files to a different folder!