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Meow Framework MVVM Android/Kotlin

A Framework that simplify developing MVVM Architecture and Material Design in Android with Kotlin language including useful Extensions and Sample Application. This Framework has some tools for Retrofit and OKHttp and Coroutine for calling REST API requests.
Dynamic Localization and Day/Night Theme & Meow Custom Widgets are another features.

๐Ÿ“ฑ Sample Application

We suggest you to install Meow-Sample.apk to be familiar with Meow Framework.

Get Meow Framework Sample on Google Play

๐Ÿ˜ Donate & Support

We are developing this framework in open source community without financial planning but the maintenance & preparing updates at periodic times is Time-consuming. If you like this project and you want to give us peace of mind, you can support us by clicking this button :

๐Ÿ›  Setup


After adding library, some of most useful libraries (such as Androidx AppCompat , Coroutine , Glide , Kodein , Kotlinx Serialization , Material Components , Moshi , Navigation Components , Retrofit ) will be added in your app. So you would'nt need to add this libraries manually.

List of dependencies can be found in meow.AppConfig.kt in Dependencies Object.

Check out build.gradle.kts in Sample module to avoid any issues that related to setup & adding Framework. We recommend that use Kotlin DSL Gradle instead of Groovy . That is not Buggy ๐Ÿ˜Š.

Enable androidx in


Remember that you'll need to enable Java 8 & DataBinding & Kotlin Kapt in your app module build.gradle.

๐Ÿ“ƒ Table of Contents

๐Ÿ’ก Getting Started

We assume that you know MVVM architecture, but if you have some problems in understanding its, this Articles can help you.

๐ŸŽฎ Initialization

Create your application class which extends MeowApp and set it in AndroidManifest.xml. Dependency Injection in MVVM architecture is necessary, so we use Kodein-DI Framework. You'll need to define appModule for View Models. Update application class like below :

class App : MeowApp() {

    // Create a kodein module.
    val appModule = Module("App Module", false) {
        // Provide object of SomeOfClass(such as View Models) in Kodein with bind() function.
        // bind() from singleton { SomeOfClass(instance()) }

   // Source is `KodeinAware` interface.
    override val kodein = Kodein.lazy {
        // Import org.kodein.di.Kodein.*
        bind() from singleton { }
        bind() from singleton { this@App }
        import(meowModule) // Important

๐Ÿฑ Meow Controller

This Framework has two Highlighted Features :

  • Dynamic Day/Night Theme to switch from LIGHT to DARK mode.
  • Dynamic Localization to change language , currency formatting , date formatting of app at Realtime.

to use above features, you'll need to define your MeowController.

MeowController is a class that controls some features in app such as above. If you want to use avoidException in your app, this class can controls Exception Handlers with onException property.

Update your application class like this :

class App : MeowApp() {
    // Layout Direction would be set automatically by Android System.
    // (Example: "en": LayoutDirection.LTR  "fa": LayoutDirection.RTL).
    // Our Primary Sample app's language is English.
    override fun getLanguage(context: Context?) = "en" // or any language such as ("fa","fr","ar",etc.)     
    // Our Sample app's theme is set by Android System Light/Dark (Day/Night) mode.  
    override fun getTheme(context: Context?) =
        if (context.isNightModeFromSettings()) MeowController.Theme.NIGHT else  MeowController.Theme.DAY
    override fun onCreate() {
        bindMeow { // Import it from meow package.
            it.isDebugMode = BuildConfig.DEBUG
            // Set other properties here.
            it.onException = { // Only non-fatal error
                // Log to Fabric or any other Crash Management System. Just use `avoidException` instead of `try{}catch{}`

You can update language and theme from UI Thread by using MeowController global instance.

import meow.controller
controller.updateLanguage(meowActivity, string)
controller.updateTheme(meowActivity, theme)

The Sample Application has above features. try to install Meow-Sample.apk .

๐Ÿ“ MVVM Architecture

MVVM is Model-View-ViewModel that we define it in Android App as Data Model - View (Activity, Fragment, DialogFragment, BottomSheetDialogFragment) - MeowViewModel.

Follow below steps to have an activity with MVVM Architecture.

1. Create your ViewModel that extends MeowViewModel.

class MainViewModel(app: App): MeowViewModel(app)

2. Provide your View Model in appModule in App.

val appModule = Module("App Module", false) {
    bindAutoTag<MainViewModel>() with provider {

bindAutoTag() was imported from meow.ktx.* package.

3. Create XML layout with DataBinding structure.

            type="MainViewModel" />
    <LinearLayout /> <!-- or another View -->

4. Create Activity/Fragment ( extends MeowActivity/MeowFragment ) + DataBinding + ViewModel.

โ€โ€โ€MainActivity is a sample activity that needs Kodein Dependency Injection and ViewDataBinding and View Model. See this example :

class MainActivity : MeowActivity<ActivityMainBinding>() {
    // ActivityMainBinding is generated by Androidx Lifecycle DataBinding Utils.
    private val viewModel: MainViewModel by instanceViewModel()
    override fun layoutId() = R.layout.activity_main
    override fun initViewModel() {// Set View Model in binding.
        binding.viewModel = viewModel    

Accessing Views with DataBinding

You can access views like this code :

    style="@style/Meow.Toolbar" />
class MainActivity : MeowActivity<ActivityMainBinding>() {
    override fun layoutId() = R.layout.activity_main
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // ...
        binding.toolbar.title = "custom_title" // Use binding variable 

Now you have an Activity with MVVM architecture. In above sample, you can replace MeowActivity with MeowFragment to have MVVM Fragment.

๐Ÿ“ถ REST API : Retrofit + OKHttp + Coroutine + Moshi

Meow Framework provides some tools to call Server REST API actions from Android App with Retrofit. Creating client connections will be with OKHttp . Moshi helps us to serialize json responses. We replaced RxJava with Coroutine for multi thread handling.

Create Api that extends MeowApi

class AppApi(
    var app: App,
    baseUrl : String = "http://api-url.any/api/v1/"
): MeowApi(baseUrl)

Common API Flow/Patterns

We'll show you how to call a request to server and get response from it. Then Data has been shown in UI by parsing Data. Some of actions that is related to REST API can be have a flow/pattern. We define this patterns as :

  • Index : Response with simple request from server can be parsed as List of Data Model.
  • Detail : Response with simple request from server can be parsed as a Data Model.
  • Form : Response with advanced request (send a form) from server can be parsed as a Data Model.

Sample Index Api

For example, server gives this JSON response when we call /api/v1/persons with GET method :

    "alias":"Hamidreza Etebarian"
    "alias":"Ali Modares"

Data Model

Create a data class for JSON response which uses Moshi @Json annotation.

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Person(
    @Json(name = "id") var id: Int = 0,
    @Json(name = "username") var username: String? = null,
    @Json(name = "alias") var alias: String? = null) {
    // RecyclerView List Adapter requires DiffCallBack.
    class DiffCallback : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Person>() {
        override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Person, newItem: Person) = ==
        override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Person, newItem: Person) = oldItem == newItem

Retrofit API Interface

Define an interface containing Rest API actions. Meow Framework uses Coroutine library to calling Rest API actions, so you must write suspend prefix for functions.

interface PersonApi {
    @GET("persons") // Don't need to write absolute path. OKHTTP appends this string at end of your baseUrl API.
    suspend fun getPersonIndex(): List<Person>

Call API action from ViewModel by using safeCallApi(). Update your ViewModel class like this :

class PersonIndexViewModel(override var app: App) : MeowViewModel(app) {
    // Define LiveData variables. use `SingleLiveData` to observe only when changed.
    var eventLiveData = SingleLiveData<MeowEvent<*>>()
    var listLiveData = SingleLiveData<List<Person>>()
    var customLiveData = SingleLiveData<String>()
    fun callApi() {
            liveData = eventLiveData,   
            apiAction = { AppApi(app).createServiceByAdapter<PersonApi>().getPersonIndex() }
        ) { _, it ->
            // If connection was Success and Retrofit can parse json data as list of models, this line will be run.
            // Otherwise MeowEvent.Api.Error will be posted into eventLiveData.
            // You can observe it manually or use MeowFlow.

XML Layout

Create activity_sample_index.xml which has RecyclerView to showing items as List.

<layout xmlns:android="">
            type="PersonIndexViewModel" />
    <!-- Remember that viewModel type must be with package -->
        android:layout_height="match_parent" >
            meow_items="@{viewModel.listLiveData}" />
            style="@style/Meow.ProgressBar.Medium.Primary" />

MeowActivity/MeowFragment + MeowFlow

Use MeowFlow to handle events from ViewModel automatically.

class SampleIndexActivity : MeowActivity<ActivitySampleIndexBinding>() {
    private val viewModel by instance<PersonIndexViewModel>()
    override fun layoutId() = R.layout.activity_sample_index
    override fun initViewModel() {
        binding.viewModel = viewModel
    private fun callApiAndObserve() {
        MeowFlow.GetDataApi<Person>(this) { // You must pass the type of API response. For Example : `Person`.
        }.apply {
            errorHandlerType = MeowFlow.ErrorHandlerType.TOAST // Error handling will be with toast().
            progressBarInterface = binding.progressbar
        }.observeForIndex(viewModel.eventLiveData, viewModel.listLiveData)
        // Optional - call safeObserve function for observe changes of liveData safely.
        viewModel.customLiveData.safeObserve(this) {
            // Access the value of liveData with it parameter.

MeowFlow is a helper class that observes eventLiveData and it handles errors from API automatically. You can set error handling with errorHandlerType. Supported types : TOAST , SNACKBAR , EMPTY_STATE. For example, when errorHandlerType is Toast errors has been shown in toast form. See strings_error.xml to edit error messages.

Show API response into RecyclerView

item_person.xml describes the layout of each row of list and you can set properties with DataBinding structure. Define layout like this :

            type="Person" />           

        <TextView  android:text="@{model.alias}" />

We suggest you to use MeowAdapter. Let's take a look at this sample :

class PersonAdapter : MeowAdapter<Model, ViewHolder>(Person.DiffCallback()) {
    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
        val binding = ItemPersonBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context), parent, false)
        return MeowViewHolder(binding.root) { position, model ->
            binding.let {
                it.setVariable(BR.model, model)

Finally bind adapter to RecyclerView.

class PersonIndexActivity : MeowActivity<ActivitySampleIndexBinding>(){
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        binding.recyclerView.adapter = PersonAdapter()

Now you have a activity that connect to REST API and parse the response (if the response code is HttpCode.OK (200)) and it shows items into a RecyclerView as a list. Above sample can be used for other types of REST API patterns/flows (such as Detail ,Form). for more details see API Package in Sample module.

๐Ÿงฉ Meow KTX (Kotlin Extensions)

We have developed some Kotlin Extensions that can be help us in building Android Apps. Just import meow.ktx package which include the following :

โ“‚ Material Design Setup

Update App Theme in styles.xml with DayNight Material Theme. More details are at Official Material Design Site.

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar">
    <!-- Original AppCompat attributes. -->
    <!-- Define colors in colors.xml -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">YOUR_PRIMARY_COLOR</item>
    <item name="colorSecondary">YOUR_SECONDARY_COLOR</item>
    <item name="android:colorBackground">@color/meow_background</item>
    <!-- New MaterialComponents attributes. -->
    <item name="colorPrimaryVariant">YOUR_PRIMARY_VARIANT_COLOR</item>
    <item name="colorSecondaryVariant">YOUR_SECONDARY_VARIANT_COLOR</item>
    <item name="colorOnPrimary">YOUR_ON_PRIMARY_COLOR</item>
    <item name="colorOnSecondary">YOUR_ON_SECONDARY_COLOR</item>
    <item name="colorSurface">@color/meow_surface</item>
    <item name="colorOnSurface">@color/meow_on_surface</item>
    <item name="colorOnBackground">@color/meow_on_background</item>
    <item name="colorError">@color/meow_error</item>
    <item name="colorOnError">@color/meow_on_error</item>
    <item name="scrimBackground">@color/mtrl_scrim_color</item>

๐Ÿ–Œ Material Text Styles + Font by using Meow.TextAppearance Style

Just do same as styles_text_appearances.xml.

You must apply styles in AppTheme.

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar" >
  <item name="textAppearanceHeadline1">@style/App.TextAppearance.Headline1</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceHeadline2">@style/App.TextAppearance.Headline2</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceHeadline3">@style/App.TextAppearance.Headline3</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceHeadline4">@style/App.TextAppearance.Headline4</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceHeadline5">@style/App.TextAppearance.Headline5</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceHeadline6">@style/App.TextAppearance.Headline6</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceSubtitle1">@style/App.TextAppearance.Subtitle1</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceSubtitle2">@style/App.TextAppearance.Subtitle2</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceBody1">@style/App.TextAppearance.Body1</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceBody2">@style/App.TextAppearance.Body2</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceCaption">@style/App.TextAppearance.Caption</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceButton">@style/App.TextAppearance.Button</item>
  <item name="textAppearanceOverline">@style/App.TextAppearance.Overline</item>

๐ŸŽจ Material Components


You can show Alert Dialog with alert() function in MeowActivity/MeowFragment.

fun testAlert() {
        .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok) { d, _ ->
        .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel) { d, _ ->  

Loading Alert

A Dialog with MeowLoadingView to showing progress bar with text into Dialog.

fun testLoadingAlertDialog() {

Learn more about it at AlertsFragment.kt.


There are some customized styles that is related to Material Button.

Style Usage
Meow.Button Regular Button with primary background color
Meow.Button.Outlined Outlined Button with transparent background color and stroke_color.xml outline color
Meow.Button.Flat Flat Button with transparent background color
Meow.Button.Unelevated Regular Button with primary background color with 0dp elevation
Meow.Button.IconOnly A Meow Button that shows has not text

Use it like this in XML Layout :

        android:text="SomeRegularButton" />
        app:backgroundTint="?colorSecondaryVariant" />

Learn more about it at Material Card Component and fragment_cards.xml.


There are some customized styles that is related to Material CardView.

Style Usage
Meow.CardView Regular Card with surface background color
Meow.CardView.Outlined Outlined Card with surface background color and stroke_color.xml outline color

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    app:contentPadding="16dp" >
        <!-- Place your views here -->

Learn more about it at Material Card Component and fragment_cards.xml.


There are some customized styles that is related to Material CheckBox.

Style Usage
Meow.Checkbox Checkbox with accent_color button tint
Meow.Checkbox.Primary Checkbox with primary button tint
Meow.Checkbox.Secondary Checkbox with secondary button tint
Meow.Checkbox.OnPrimary Checkbox with onPrimary button tint & textColor
Meow.Checkbox.OnSecondary Checkbox with onSecondary button tint & textColor

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    android:text="@string/checkbox_text" />  

Learn more about it at Material Checkbox Component and fragment_checkboxes.xml.

Floating Action Button

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
        app:meow_items="@{viewModel.listLiveData}" />
        app:layout_anchorGravity="bottom|center_horizontal" />

Learn more about it at Material Floating Action Button Component and fragment_fab_simple.xml.

Extended Floating Action Button

A FAB that supports android:text property. Use it like this in XML Layout :

    app:layout_anchorGravity="bottom|center_horizontal" />

Learn more about it at Material Extended Floating Action Button Component and fragment_fab_simple.xml.

Radio Group

There are some customized styles that is related to Material Radio Group.

Style Usage
Meow.RadioGroup.Horizontal RadioGroup with Horizontal Radio Buttons
Meow.RadioGroup.Vertical RadioGroup with Vertical Radio Buttons

Radio Button

There are some customized styles that is related to Material Radio Button.

Style Usage
Meow.RadioButton.Vertical Vertical RadioButton with accent_color button tint
Meow.RadioButton.Horizontal Horizontal RadioButton with accent_color button tint
Meow.RadioButton.Vertical.Primary Vertical RadioButton with primary button tint
Meow.RadioButton.Horizontal.Primary Horizontal RadioButton with primary button tint
Meow.RadioButton.Vertical.Secondary Vertical RadioButton with secondary button tint
Meow.RadioButton.Horizontal.Secondary Horizontal RadioButton with secondary button tint
Meow.RadioButton.Vertical.OnPrimary Vertical RadioButton with onPrimary button tint & textColor
Meow.RadioButton.Horizontal.OnPrimary Horizontal RadioButton with onPrimary button tint & textColor
Meow.RadioButton.Vertical.OnSecondary Vertical RadioButton with onSecondary button tint & textColor
Meow.RadioButton.Horizontal.OnSecondary Horizontal RadioButton with onSecondary button tint & textColor

Use it like this in XML Layout :

<RadioGroup style="@style/Meow.RadioGroup.Vertical">
        android:text="@string/radio_buttons_option_a" />
        android:text="@string/radio_buttons_option_b" />

Learn more about it at Material Radio Button Component and fragment_radio_buttons.xml.

Snack Bars

You can show Snack Bars with snackL() or snackS() functions in MeowActivity/MeowFragment.

fun testSnackbars(){
    // Shows Snack Bars with LENGTH_SHORT.  
    // Shows Snack Bars with LENGTH_LONG.
    // Shows Snack Bars with LENGTH_INDEFINITE.
    // Shows Snack Bars with LENGTH_LONG with action button.
        message = R.string.snackbars_message,    
        resActionText = R.string.snackbars_action,
        // Optional - if you want to set custom textAppearances to message and action, set this attributes.
        messageTextAppearanceId =,
        actionTextAppearanceId =
    ) {
        // Callback for action button click

Learn more about it at SnackBarsFragment.


There are some customized styles that is related to Material Switch.

Style Usage
Meow.Switch Switch with accent_color button tint
Meow.Switch.Primary Switch with primary button tint
Meow.Switch.Secondary Switch with secondary button tint
Meow.Switch.OnPrimary Switch with onPrimary button tint & textColor
Meow.Switch.OnSecondary Switch with onSecondary button tint & textColor

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    android:text="@string/switch_text" />

Learn more about it at Material Switch Component and fragment_switches.xml.

TabLayout + ViewPager2

If you want to show contents into a ViewPager, we recommend to use ViewPager2. TabLayout is the indicator of ViewPager state. Follow below steps to have a View with Swipe Gesture.

1. Define XML layout like this :

    <data />
            style="@style/Meow.TabLayout.Surface" />
            style="@style/Meow.ViewPager" />    

2. Create Custom Pager Adapter that extends MeowPagerAdapter

class MyPagerAdapter(
    fragmentManager: FragmentManager,
    lifecycle: Lifecycle) : MeowPagerAdapter(fragmentManager, lifecycle) {
        // Replace this with the array of Fragments that you want to show into ViewPager.
        private val fragmentArray = Array<Fragment>(3) { ChildFragment.newInstance(it) }
        override fun getFragments() = fragmentArray

3. Bind Adapter to ViewPager2 & Attach TabLayout to ViewPager2

fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    // ...
    binding.apply {
        binding.viewPager.adapter = MyPagerAdapter(childFragmentManager, lifecycle)
        TabLayoutMediator(tabLayout, viewpager) { tab, position ->
            tab.text = "Tab Title #" + (position + 1) // Set Tab titles here.
        // Optional - If you want to show Material Badge on TabLayout.
        tabLayout.getTabAt(0)?.orCreateBadge?.apply {
            isVisible = true
            number = 10

Now you have ViewPager2 + TabLayout in an Activity/Fragment.

There are some customized styles that is related to Material TabLayout.

Style Usage
Meow.TabLayout.Surface TabLayout with surface background color
Meow.TabLayout.Primary TabLayout with primary background color
Meow.TabLayout.Secondary TabLayout with primary background color
Meow.TabLayout.PrimarySurface TabLayout with primary background color in DAY mode and surface background color in NIGHT Mode

Learn more about it at Material TabLayout Component.


Use it like this in XML Layout :

    android:textColor="@color/on_background_high" />

Learn more about it at fragment_textviews.xml.

Colors for texts based on Material Colors which contains EMPHASIS_HIGH , EMPHASIS_MEDIUM , DISABLED states.

Color Value
@color/on_background_high onBackground color with %87 transparency
@color/on_background_medium onBackground color with %60 transparency
@color/on_background_disabled onBackground color with %38 transparency
@color/on_surface_high onSurface color with %87 transparency
@color/on_surface_medium onSurface color with %60 transparency
@color/on_surface_disabled onSurface color with %38 transparency
@color/on_primary_high onPrimary color with %87 transparency
@color/on_primary_medium onPrimary color with %60 transparency
@color/on_primary_disabled onPrimary color with %38 transparency
@color/on_secondary_high onSecondary color with %87 transparency
@color/on_secondary_medium onSecondary color with %60 transparency
@color/on_secondary_disabled onSecondary color with %38 transparency

Top App Bar using Material Toolbar

Use it like this in XML Layout :


                style="@style/Meow.Toolbar.Surface" />
    <!-- Main Layout -->

There are some customized styles that is related to Material Toolbar.

Style Usage
Meow.Toolbar.Surface Toolbar with surface background color
Meow.Toolbar.PrimarySurface Toolbar with primary background color in DAY mode and surface background color in NIGHT Mode
Meow.Toolbar.Primary Toolbar with primary background color
Meow.Toolbar.Secondary Toolbar with secondary background color

Learn more about it at Material Top App Bars Component.

๐ŸŒŒ Meow Custom Widgets

Meow Circle ImageView

Meow CircleImageView Attributes:

Attributes Descriptions
meow_strokeColor The stroke color of image
meow_strokeWidth The stroke width of image

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    app:srcCompat="@drawable/avatar" />

Learn more about it at fragment_imageviews.xml.

Meow Dash View

There are some styles that is related to Dash View.

Style Usage
Meow.Dash.Horizontal DashView with Horizontal orientation
Meow.Dash.Horizontal.Primary DashView with Horizontal orientation and primary color
Meow.Dash.Horizontal.PrimaryVariant DashView with Horizontal orientation and PrimaryVariant color
Meow.Dash.Horizontal.PrimarySurface DashView with Horizontal orientation and PrimarySurface color
Meow.Dash.Horizontal.Secondary DashView with Horizontal orientation and secondary color
Meow.Dash.Horizontal.SecondaryVariant DashView with Horizontal orientation and SecondaryVariant color
Meow.Dash.Horizontal.OnPrimary DashView with Horizontal orientation and OnPrimary color
Meow.Dash.Horizontal.OnSecondary DashView with Horizontal orientation and OnSecondary color
Meow.Dash.Horizontal.OnSurface DashView with Horizontal orientation and OnSurface color
Meow.Dash.Vertical DashView with Vertical orientation
Meow.Dash.Vertical.Primary DashView with Vertical orientation and primary color
Meow.Dash.Vertical.PrimaryVariant DashView with Vertical orientation and PrimaryVariant color
Meow.Dash.Vertical.PrimarySurface DashView with Vertical orientation and PrimarySurface color
Meow.Dash.Vertical.Secondary DashView with Vertical orientation and secondary color
Meow.Dash.Vertical.SecondaryVariant DashView with Vertical orientation and SecondaryVariant color
Meow.Dash.Vertical.OnPrimary DashView with Vertical orientation and OnPrimary color
Meow.Dash.Vertical.OnSecondary DashView with Vertical orientation and OnSecondary color
Meow.Dash.Vertical.OnSurface DashView with Vertical orientation and OnSurface color

Meow Dash Attributes:

Attributes Descriptions
meow_dash_gap Dash Gap
meow_dash_length Dash length
meow_dash_thickness Dash thickness
meow_dash_color Dash color

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    app:meow_dash_thickness="2dp" />

Learn more about it at fragment_dash.xml.

Meow Divider

There are some styles that is related to Divider.

Style Usage
Meow.Divider.Horizontal Divider with Horizontal orientation
Meow.Divider.Vertical Divider with Vertical orientation
Meow.Divider.Horizontal.OnPrimary Divider with Horizontal orientation and primary divider background type
Meow.Divider.Horizontal.OnSecondary Divider with Horizontal orientation and secondary divider background type
Meow.Divider.Horizontal.OnSurface Divider with Horizontal orientation and surface divider background type
Meow.Divider.Vertical.OnPrimary Divider with Vertical orientation and primary divider background type
Meow.Divider.Vertical.OnSecondary Divider with Vertical orientation and secondary divider background type
Meow.Divider.Vertical.OnSurface Divider with Vertical orientation and surface divider background type

Meow Divider Attributes:

Attributes Descriptions
meow_orientation Orientation: vertical or horizontal
meow_background_type Types: background,surface,secondary,primary

Use it like this in XML Layout :

You just need use style.๐Ÿ˜‰

<meow.widget.MeowDivider style="@style/Meow.Divider.Horizontal" />

Learn more about it at fragment_dividers.xml.

Meow Empty State

There are some styles that is related to Empty State.

Style Usage
Meow.EmptyState EmptyState default style with icon size and icon tint
Meow.EmptyState.OnBackground EmptyState with title and description OnBackground color
Meow.EmptyState.OnPrimary EmptyState with title and description OnPrimary color
Meow.EmptyState.OnSecondary EmptyState with title and description OnSecondary colore
Meow.EmptyState.OnSurface EmptyState with title and description OnSurface color

Meow Empty state Attributes:

Attributes Descriptions
meow_icon Icon resource
meow_iconSize Icon size
meow_iconTint Icon tint color
meow_title Title text
meow_titleTextColor Title text color
meow_desc Description text
meow_descTextColor Description text color
meow_primaryActionText Button text

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    style="@style/Meow.EmptyState.OnBackground" />

Not Completed yet!.

Meow Hint Button

There are some styles that is related to Hint Button.

Style Usage
Meow.HintButton HintButton default style with icon color

Meow HintButton Attributes:

Attributes Descriptions
meow_hint Hint text
meow_hintColor Hint text color
meow_hintTextAppearance Hint textAppearance
meow_title Title text
meow_titleColor Title text color
meow_titleTextAppearance Title textAppearance
meow_icon Icon resource
meow_iconColor Icon color

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    app:meow_title="@string/date_num" />

Learn more about it at fragment_form.xml.

Meow PinView

There are some styles that is related to PinView.

Style Usage
Meow.PinView.Filled PinView Filled box style
Meow.PinView.Outlined PinView Outlined box style

Meow PinView Attributes:

Attributes Descriptions
meow_hint Hint text
meow_hintColor Hint text color
meow_hintTextAppearance Hint textAppearance
meow_count Length of pin (box count)
meow_textColor Boxes text color
meow_textAppearance Boxes textAppearance
meow_icon Icon resource
meow_iconTint Icon color
meow_showBack Show clear boxes text
meow_errorTextAppearance Error textAppearance
meow_boxStyle Styles: outlined or filled

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    app:meow_icon="@drawable/ic_dialpad" />

Learn more about it at fragment_form.xml.

Meow ProgressBar

There are some styles that is related to ProgressBar.

Style Usage
Meow.ProgressBar.Small Small ProgressBar
Meow.ProgressBar.Small.Primary Small ProgressBar with primary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Small.PrimaryVariant Small ProgressBar with PrimaryVariant color
Meow.ProgressBar.Small.PrimarySurface Small ProgressBar with PrimarySurface color
Meow.ProgressBar.Small.Secondary Small ProgressBar with secondary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Small.SecondaryVariant Small ProgressBar with SecondaryVariant color
Meow.ProgressBar.Small.OnPrimary Small ProgressBar with OnPrimary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Small.OnSecondary Small ProgressBar with OnSecondary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Small.OnSurface Small ProgressBar with OnSurface color
Meow.ProgressBar.Medium Medium ProgressBar
Meow.ProgressBar.Medium.Primary Medium ProgressBar with primary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Medium.PrimaryVariant Medium ProgressBar with PrimaryVariant color
Meow.ProgressBar.Medium.PrimarySurface Medium ProgressBar with PrimarySurface color
Meow.ProgressBar.Medium.Secondary Medium ProgressBar with secondary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Medium.SecondaryVariant Medium ProgressBar with SecondaryVariant color
Meow.ProgressBar.Medium.OnPrimary Medium ProgressBar with OnPrimary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Medium.OnSecondary Medium ProgressBar with OnSecondary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Medium.OnSurface Medium ProgressBar with OnSurface color
Meow.ProgressBar.Large Large ProgressBar
Meow.ProgressBar.Large.Primary Large ProgressBar with primary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Large.PrimaryVariant Large ProgressBar with PrimaryVariant color
Meow.ProgressBar.Large.PrimarySurface Large ProgressBar with PrimarySurface color
Meow.ProgressBar.Large.Secondary Large ProgressBar with secondary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Large.SecondaryVariant Large ProgressBar with SecondaryVariant color
Meow.ProgressBar.Large.OnPrimary Large ProgressBar with OnPrimary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Large.OnSecondary Large ProgressBar with OnSecondary color
Meow.ProgressBar.Large.OnSurface Large ProgressBar with OnSurface color

Meow ProgressBar Attributes:

Attributes Descriptions
meow_showOnInit Specify that the progress can be show on Initialization

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    app:meow_showOnInit="true" />

Learn more about it at fragment_progress_bars.xml.

Meow Rating Bar

There are some styles that is related to RatingBar.

Style Usage
Meow.RatingBar RatingBar with default style
Meow.RatingBar.Indicator RatingBar with enabled Indicator style (just show and not clickable)

Meow RatingBar Attributes:

Attributes Descriptions
meow_numStars The number of stars
meow_minimumStars The minimum selected stars
meow_rating Show while when use it
meow_starPadding Stars padding
meow_drawableEmpty Stars drawable when is empty
meow_drawableFilled Stars drawable when is filled
meow_isIndicator Specify that it is indicator or not
meow_scrollable Specify that it is scrollable or not
meow_clickable Specify that it is clickable or not
meow_clearRatingEnabled Specify that clearRating is enabled or not
meow_starWidth Stars Width
meow_starHeight Stars Height
meow_stepSize Step Size

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    app:meow_stepSize="0.5" />

Learn more about it at fragment_rating_bars.xml.

Meow FormView (a cool widget๐Ÿ˜Ž)

With this widget, you no longer need to check the form fields (like editTexts and spinners) one by one.

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    <!-- You can add MeowTextField,MeowSpinner,Button and other views in this layout -->

You can call validate() function to validate all widgets which are in MeowFormView as children :

binding.fv.validate {
    // When MeowFormView validate all widgets with their validate type, this line runs.

Learn more about it at fragment_form.xml.

Meow Spinner

There are some styles that is related to Spinner.

Style Usage
Meow.Spinner.Outlined Spinner with outlined style
Meow.Spinner.Outlined.Dense Spinner with outlined dense style
Meow.Spinner.Filled Spinner with Filled style
Meow.Spinner.Filled.Dense Spinner with Filled dense style

If you want to use Validation Feature, you should add MeowSpinner to FormView Layout.

Attributes Descriptions
meow_validateType Types: empty,optional
meow_errorEmpty Error empty Text (when spinner was empty you can show your customize error)

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    app:meow_validateType="empty" />

And for add Item in MeowSpinner : Supports : title , description and icon

    .addItem(R.string.item1, R.string.description1, R.drawable.ic_error)
    .addItem(R.string.item2, R.string.description2, R.drawable.ic_error)
    .addItem(R.string.item3, imageViewResId = R.drawable.ic_error)
    .addItem(R.string.item4, imageViewResId = R.drawable.ic_error)
    .addItem(R.string.item5, R.string.description3)
    .addItem(R.string.item6, R.string.description4)

Learn more about it at Material Exposed Dropdown Menu Component and fragment_form.xml.

Meow TextField

There are some styles that is related to TextField.

Style Usage
Meow.TextField.Outlined TextField with outlined style
Meow.TextField.Outlined.Dense TextField with outlined dense style
Meow.TextField.Filled TextField with Filled style
Meow.TextField.Filled.Dense TextField with Filled dense style

Meow TextField Attributes:

For use validation Feature you should add MeowTextField to FormView Layout.

If the error text is blank, the default message will be displayed.

Attributes Descriptions
meow_validateType Types: empty,mobile,mobileLegacy,email,optional
meow_errorEmpty Error empty Text (when textfield was empty you can show your customize error)
meow_errorMobile Error invalid mobile number
meow_errorMobileLegacy Error invalid mobile legacy (persian) number
meow_errorEmail Error invalid email
meow_textSize TextField text size
meow_inputType Default android TextInputLayout input type

Use it like this in XML Layout :

    app:startIconDrawable="@drawable/ic_android" />

Learn more about it at Material TextField Component and fragment_form.xml.

๐Ÿ‘ฎ โ€R8/Proguard

Just include rules of at your application Proguard config file.

๐Ÿ– Contributing

If you want to contribute to this project, just send an email to with Meow-Framework-Contributing subject.


Copyright 2020 Hamidreza Etebarian

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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