cluster-worker component instances are the basic building blocks of Onedata services (including Oneprovider and Onezone), which enable Onedata services to easily scale on large number of nodes on a single cluster. Each cluster-worker can be configured for different tasks depending on the current needs (data access, metadata management, etc.) by cluster-manager component.
cluster-workers are implemented in Erlang, and provide the following functionality:
- internal request load balancing between cluster nodes
- unified data store in local memory and mnesia distributed database
- automatic scaling of Onedata services to multiple cluster nodes
This component of Onedata is not to be used separately, but only as a dependency of a specific Onedata service (e.g. Oneprovider or Onezone) and configured for specific operation.
It should be included as rebar dependency in final application. Its behaviour may be configured via plug-ings provided by final application (see API). However, for testing and debugging purposes, it can be started as a standalone application with default plug-ins 2 ways:
- Inside Erlang Virtual Machine using command "application:start(cluster_worker)". It requires only compiled code available to the Erlang Virtual Machine,
- From shell using script "cluster_worker" with argument "console" or "start". To generate start script, release of application must be created.
To prepare cluster_worker to be started:
- Use command "make submodules" to initialize submodules
- Use command "./" to generate release,
- Use "./ compile" to compile code only (faster than building release).
Cluster-worker behaviour is influenced by the following plug-ins that should be included in the final application:
- datastore_config_plugin - module that provides datastore_config_behaviour to indicate which modules should be used by datastore,
- dns_worker_plugin - module that provides dns_worker_plugin_default. It allows manipulation of build-in dns server,
- logger_plugin - module that provides logger_plugin_behaviour. It allows manipulation of logger behaviour,
- node_manager_plugin - module that provides ode_manager_plugin_behaviour. It allows configuration of modules (entities that provide functionality of application) and listeners.
Default implementation of plug-ins is in src/plugins directory.
Two basic elements of Onedata - op-worker and oz-worker base on cluster-worker.