Database Course with ElephantSQL, NYC Covid Incidence Rate Data, NYC Zip Code Populations Data and Animated Geospatial Visualizations
Mambaforge is a common python tool and instructions online are plentiful
mamba env create -f environment.yml
conda activate usf-database
jupyter lab
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Title | Author | Notes |
Map it with Python! Intro to GIS and Python mapping modules | Christy Heaton | code,, matplotlib, geopandas (uses shapely), folium w/ leaflet.js, rise (python slides), Nearmap, Stamen, mapbox, Map Time Seattle! |
Geospatial data analysis and visualization in Python | Halfdan Rump | osmnx (by Geoff Boeing), geopandas, folium |
Python Geospatial Libraries
- geopandas - Working with spatial data is fun again!
- shapely - For geometry handling
- rtree - For efficiently querying spatial data
- pyshp - for reading and writing shapefiles (in pure Python)
- fiona - for making it easy to read/write geospatial data formats
- ogr/gdal - for reading, writeing and transforming goespatial data formats
- geopy - for geolocating and things like that
- pysal - spatial ecenometrics, exploratory spatial and spatio-temporal data analysis, spatial clustering (and more)
- descartes - for plotting geometries in matplotlib
Zip Code Population Data
Zip Code Shapefiles
- Canadian Geospatial Information System Documentary
- 1967 Urban Expansion
- GIS GUIs (open source)
- Quantum GIS (QGIS)
- Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS)
- Elevation Data
- Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
- First in 1986 from French space agency (Centre National d'etudes Spatiales (CNES))
- February 2000 Space Shuttle Endeavor conducted the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), which collected elevation data of over 80% of the Earth's surface using a special radar antenna configuration that allowed a single pass.
- 2009 the joint US and Japanese mission using the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensor aborad NASA's Terra satellite. Captured 99% of the Earth's surface but has proven to have minor data issues.
- SRTM remains the gold standard.
- TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X launched by Germany collected WorldDEM that was released on April 15, 2014. Dataset has a relative accuracy of 2 meters and an absolute accuracy of 4 meters.
- How to Lie with Maps, Mark Monmonier
- ISO-19115(-1)(-2)(-3) define standards for geospatial metadata
- The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), which created the Catalog Service for the Web (CSW), is used to manage metadata. The pycsw Python library implements the CSW standard.
- A datum is a model of the Earth's surface that's used to match the location of features on the Earth to a coordinate system. One common datum is called WGS 84 and is used by GPS.
- A dissolve operation creates a single polygon out of adjacent polygons.
- ray casting algorithm - The most common and efficient algorithm to detect whether a point is inside a polygon.