This repository is your starting point for building a custom app with Onify Helix. It includes basic boilerplate code to help you get started quickly. After setting up, you'll find more information and documentation within the repository to guide you through developing your first Onify Helix custom app.
This repo is used to get started with Onify Helix and create your own custom Helix App (Git) repo.
- Make sure you have access to the Helix repo (see Prepare section)
- Create your own Helix App Git repo (see Setup section)
- Configure your new Helix App repo (check new README for more info)
- Create
containing your GitHub personal access token - Run
npm i
- Set environment variables (in
- Create
- Start developing (run
npm run dev
) - Deploy
To get started, you first need access to the Onify Helix private repo ( Please contact Onify support (
) to get you personal access token (use later as <ONIFY_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN>
To download and setup the helix-app
repo onto your machine, run the command:
IMPORTANT: Make sure you are in the correct folder files will be overwritten. Even this README :-)
To download last stable version, first go to supportsite and check changelog. Get the latest version, eg. 0.30.0
and then run the following command:
npx giget "gh:onify/helix/apps/helix-app#v0.30.0" ./ --auth="<ONIFY_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN>" --force --verbose
To download the latest (nightly build), run the following command:
npx giget "gh:onify/helix/apps/helix-app" ./ --auth="<ONIFY_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN>" --force --verbose
To get started with Helix, please checkout our Onify Blueprints