Docker is software which allows us to create a sort of timecapsuled running environment which is seperate from your specific computer's settings. Essentially it standardises the operating system, system settings and software versions to ensure that code runs as intended.
Docker is run in multiple parts: the dockerfile details the setup for a specific running environment, which is called an image. Once an image is created we create a container from which we run our code. Think of the image as the timecapsuled computer, and the container as turning on the computer. More information, including installation and user guides can be found here
0. Ensure you have Docker installed and running on your computer.
docker --version
# Example:
C:\> docker --version
Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701
# Here we see that Docker is installed on our computer and ready to go
1. Navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile (i.e. the MMP_WQ
folder) from the command line.
ls # List current directory contents (Windows Powershell/Mac/Linux)
dir # List current directory contents (Windows cmd)
cd <path> # Navigate to specific folder via given path
cd <child_directory_name> # Navigate to child folder (i.e. subfolder)
cd .. # Navigate to parent folder
# Example:
[user:2]$ cd home/user/Documents/Projects/MMP_WQ # Mac and Linux (forward slash only)
C:\> cd Users\user\Documents\Projects\MMP_WQ # Windows (forward or back slashes accepted)
C:\Users\user\Documents\Projects\MMP_WQ> ls
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 18/10/2022 3:06 PM data
d----- 18/10/2022 3:06 PM docs
-a---- 6/10/2022 3:23 PM 3113 Dockerfile
2. Build Docker image from Dockerfile and --tag
it with a name.
docker build . --tag <image_name>
# Example:
C:\Users\user\Documents\Projects\MMP_WQ> docker build . --tag mmp # Windows
[+] Building 4125.9s (13/13) FINISHED
# Here we can see that it took XXXX (about 1 hour 8 minutes) to build our Docker image
# If this happens much quicker it is likely that Docker has cached the image from a previous build
# See step 4 for how to clear the cache
3. Create a docker container using the mmp
image, run the MMP_00_main.R
script inside the container with the desired reportYear
and runStage
, and remove (--rm
) the container when the script finishes.
: Optional (default = TRUE).
docker run --rm <image_name> Rscript MMP_00_main.R --reportYear=<YYYY> --runStage=<START:STOP> --alwaysExtract=<TRUE/FALSE>
# Example:
C:\Users\user\Documents\Projects\MMP_WQ> docker run --rm mmp Rscript MMP_00_main.R --reportYear=2022 --runStage=1:3 --alwaysExtract=TRUE
4. Build a singularity image (if intending to run on HPC). This step essentially involves saving the docker image from its local repository and then using this archive to build a singularity (apptainer) image that can be run on the HPC.
4.1. Build the singularity image:
docker save mmp -o mmp.tar
singularity build mmp.sif docker-archive://mmp.tar
4.2. Clone the code base on to the HPC: Ensure that you are logged onto the HPC and have navigated to the folder in which the code repository should be created.
git clone
4.3. Transfer this image over to the HPC: Ensure you are in the root of the project.
scp mmp.sif <user><path to project>
# Example
scp mmp.sif
4.4. Run the singularity image on the HPC: Ensure that you are
logged into the HPC and have navigated to the scripts
folder of the
module load singularity
singularity exec -B .:/home/Project ../mmp.sif Rscript MMP_00_main.R --reportYear=2024 --alwaysExtract=TRUE --runStage=1
As of 2024, we need to also mount a NFS of the logger data
module load singularity
singularity exec -B .:/home/Project -B /net/ ../mmp.sif Rscript MMP_00_main.R --reportYear=2024 --alwaysExtract=TRUE --runStage=1
4.5. Run an interactive R session from singularity (local or HPC)
if HPC must start with
module load singularity
in emacs, open shell (
M-x shell
) -
navigate to
folder -
run the following
singularity exec -B .:/home/Project ../mmp.sif R
M-x ess-remote
- open the R script and start sending code (if necessary switch process)
As of 2024, we need to also mount a NFS of the logger data
singularity exec -B .:/home/Project -B /net/ ../mmp.sif R
5. Clean up (remove all docker containers, images, and cache). As we saw in Step 1, it can take quite a while to build the docker image. This is because the image is quite large (i.e. uses a lot of memory). Therefore, when we are completely finished with Docker, we should restore this memory.
5.1. Check for any docker containers:
docker ps --all
# Example:
C:\Users\user\Documents\Projects\MMP_WQ> docker ps --all
dcf7f999a862 mmp "R" 6 seconds ago Exited (0) 5 seconds ago gracious_bhabha
5.2. Remove any docker containers:
docker rm <container_ID> # Note: you don't have to type out the full ID, just the first few characters
# Example:
C:\Users\user\Documents\Projects\MMP_WQ> docker rm dcf
5.3. Check for any docker images:
docker images --all
# Example:
C:\Users\user\Documents\Projects\MMP_WQ> docker images --all
mmp latest bbef020a621a 40 minutes ago 2.79GB
5.4. Remove any docker images:
docker rmi <image_name>
# Example:
C:\Users\bford\Documents\Projects\MMP_WQ> docker rmi mmp
Untagged: mmp:latest
Deleted: sha256:bbef020a621aca0601972f3a167facfd70a6fd3c0c20f2f4e8f332e7babe7111
5.5. Clear build cache:
docker builder prune
C:\Users\bford\Documents\Projects\MMP_WQ> docker builder prune
WARNING! This will remove all dangling build cache. Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N]
Deleted build cache objects:
Total reclaimed space: 1.905GB
# Here we can see that by cleaning up we restored 1.9 gigabytes of memory
- Stage 1
- prepare paths
- Stage 2 (extracting data)
- water quality
- tides
- BOM data
- river discharge
- report
- Stage 3 (processing data)
- water quality
- process
- summaries
- index
- gams
- ...
- tides
- BOM data
- report
- package data
- water quality
- Stage 4
- report
- 06/10/2022: Start project