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Assertions refactoring (#1566)
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Co-authored-by: Sylvain Juge <>
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robsunday and SylvainJuge authored Dec 2, 2024
1 parent b2f04ab commit a713492
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Showing 9 changed files with 906 additions and 351 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package io.opentelemetry.contrib.jmxscraper.assertions;

import io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.Metric;

/** Dedicated Assertj extension to provide convenient fluent API for metrics testing */
public class Assertions extends org.assertj.core.api.Assertions {

public static MetricAssert assertThat(Metric metric) {
return new MetricAssert(metric);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
* Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package io.opentelemetry.contrib.jmxscraper.assertions;

import io.opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue;
import io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.Metric;
import io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.NumberDataPoint;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert;
import org.assertj.core.internal.Integers;
import org.assertj.core.internal.Iterables;
import org.assertj.core.internal.Maps;
import org.assertj.core.internal.Objects;

public class MetricAssert extends AbstractAssert<MetricAssert, Metric> {

private static final Objects objects = Objects.instance();
private static final Iterables iterables = Iterables.instance();
private static final Integers integers = Integers.instance();
private static final Maps maps = Maps.instance();

private boolean strict;

private boolean descriptionChecked;
private boolean unitChecked;
private boolean typeChecked;
private boolean dataPointAttributesChecked;

MetricAssert(Metric actual) {
super(actual, MetricAssert.class);

public void setStrict(boolean strict) {
this.strict = strict;

public void strictCheck() {
strictCheck("description", /* expectedCheckStatus= */ true, descriptionChecked);
strictCheck("unit", /* expectedCheckStatus= */ true, unitChecked);
strictCheck("type", /* expectedCheckStatus= */ true, typeChecked);
"data point attributes", /* expectedCheckStatus= */ true, dataPointAttributesChecked);

private void strictCheck(
String metricProperty, boolean expectedCheckStatus, boolean actualCheckStatus) {
if (!strict) {
String failMsgPrefix = expectedCheckStatus ? "duplicate" : "missing";
"%s assertion on %s for metric '%s'", failMsgPrefix, metricProperty, actual.getName());
objects.assertEqual(info, actualCheckStatus, expectedCheckStatus);

* Verifies metric description
* @param description expected description
* @return this
public MetricAssert hasDescription(String description) {

info.description("unexpected description for metric '%s'", actual.getName());
objects.assertEqual(info, actual.getDescription(), description);
strictCheck("description", /* expectedCheckStatus= */ false, descriptionChecked);
descriptionChecked = true;
return this;

* Verifies metric unit
* @param unit expected unit
* @return this
public MetricAssert hasUnit(String unit) {

info.description("unexpected unit for metric '%s'", actual.getName());
objects.assertEqual(info, actual.getUnit(), unit);
strictCheck("unit", /* expectedCheckStatus= */ false, unitChecked);
unitChecked = true;
return this;

* Verifies the metric is a gauge
* @return this
public MetricAssert isGauge() {

info.description("gauge expected for metric '%s'", actual.getName());
objects.assertEqual(info, actual.hasGauge(), true);
strictCheck("type", /* expectedCheckStatus= */ false, typeChecked);
typeChecked = true;
return this;

private MetricAssert hasSum(boolean monotonic) {

info.description("sum expected for metric '%s'", actual.getName());
objects.assertEqual(info, actual.hasSum(), true);

String prefix = monotonic ? "monotonic" : "non-monotonic";
info.description(prefix + " sum expected for metric '%s'", actual.getName());
objects.assertEqual(info, actual.getSum().getIsMonotonic(), monotonic);
return this;

* Verifies the metric is a counter
* @return this
public MetricAssert isCounter() {
// counters have a monotonic sum as their value can't decrease
strictCheck("type", /* expectedCheckStatus= */ false, typeChecked);
typeChecked = true;
return this;

* Verifies the metric is an up-down counter
* @return this
public MetricAssert isUpDownCounter() {
// up down counters are non-monotonic as their value can increase & decrease
strictCheck("type", /* expectedCheckStatus= */ false, typeChecked);
typeChecked = true;
return this;

public MetricAssert hasDataPointsWithoutAttributes() {

return checkDataPoints(
dataPoints -> {

// all data points must not have any attribute
for (NumberDataPoint dataPoint : dataPoints) {
"no attribute expected on data point for metric '%s'", actual.getName());
iterables.assertEmpty(info, dataPoint.getAttributesList());

private MetricAssert checkDataPoints(Consumer<List<NumberDataPoint>> listConsumer) {
// in practice usually one set of data points is provided but the
// protobuf does not enforce that, so we have to ensure checking at least one
int count = 0;
if (actual.hasGauge()) {
if (actual.hasSum()) {
info.description("at least one set of data points expected for metric '%s'", actual.getName());
integers.assertGreaterThan(info, count, 0);

"data point attributes", /* expectedCheckStatus= */ false, dataPointAttributesChecked);
dataPointAttributesChecked = true;
return this;

public MetricAssert hasTypedDataPoints(Collection<String> types) {
return checkDataPoints(
dataPoints -> {

Set<String> foundValues = new HashSet<>();
for (NumberDataPoint dataPoint : dataPoints) {
List<KeyValue> attributes = dataPoint.getAttributesList();

"expected exactly one 'name' attribute for typed data point in metric '%s'",
iterables.assertHasSize(info, attributes, 1);

objects.assertEqual(info, attributes.get(0).getKey(), "name");
"missing or unexpected type attribute for metric '%s'", actual.getName());
iterables.assertContainsExactlyInAnyOrder(info, foundValues, types.toArray());

private void dataPointsCommonCheck(List<NumberDataPoint> dataPoints) {
info.description("unable to retrieve data points from metric '%s'", actual.getName());
objects.assertNotNull(info, dataPoints);

// at least one data point must be reported
info.description("at least one data point expected for metric '%s'", actual.getName());
iterables.assertNotEmpty(info, dataPoints);

* Verifies that all data points have all the expected attributes
* @param attributes expected attributes
* @return this
public final MetricAssert hasDataPointsAttributes(Map.Entry<String, String>... attributes) {
return checkDataPoints(
dataPoints -> {

Map<String, String> attributesMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> attributeEntry : attributes) {
attributesMap.put(attributeEntry.getKey(), attributeEntry.getValue());
for (NumberDataPoint dataPoint : dataPoints) {
Map<String, String> dataPointAttributes = toMap(dataPoint.getAttributesList());

// all attributes must match
"missing/unexpected data points attributes for metric '%s'", actual.getName());
containsExactly(dataPointAttributes, attributes);
maps.assertContainsAllEntriesOf(info, dataPointAttributes, attributesMap);

* Verifies that all data points have their attributes match one of the attributes set and that
* all provided attributes sets matched at least once.
* @param attributeSets sets of attributes as maps
* @return this
@SuppressWarnings("varargs") // required to avoid warning
public final MetricAssert hasDataPointsAttributes(Map<String, String>... attributeSets) {
return checkDataPoints(
dataPoints -> {

boolean[] matchedSets = new boolean[attributeSets.length];

// validate each datapoint attributes match exactly one of the provided attributes set
for (NumberDataPoint dataPoint : dataPoints) {
Map<String, String> map = toMap(dataPoint.getAttributesList());

int matchCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < attributeSets.length; i++) {
if (mapEquals(map, attributeSets[i])) {
matchedSets[i] = true;

"data point attributes '%s' for metric '%s' must match exactly one of the attribute sets '%s'",
map, actual.getName(), Arrays.asList(attributeSets));
integers.assertEqual(info, matchCount, 1);

// check that all attribute sets matched at least once
for (int i = 0; i < matchedSets.length; i++) {
"no data point matched attribute set '%s' for metric '%s'",
attributeSets[i], actual.getName());
objects.assertEqual(info, matchedSets[i], true);

* Map equality utility
* @param m1 first map
* @param m2 second map
* @return true if the maps have exactly the same keys and values
private static boolean mapEquals(Map<String, String> m1, Map<String, String> m2) {
if (m1.size() != m2.size()) {
return false;
return m1.entrySet().stream().allMatch(e -> e.getValue().equals(m2.get(e.getKey())));

@SuppressWarnings("varargs") // required to avoid warning
private final void containsExactly(
Map<String, String> map, Map.Entry<String, String>... entries) {
maps.assertContainsExactly(info, map, entries);

private static Map<String, String> toMap(List<KeyValue> list) {
.collect(Collectors.toMap(KeyValue::getKey, kv -> kv.getValue().getStringValue()));

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