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.NET helper functions to create an OpenActive Dataset Site


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OpenActive.DatasetSite.NET Nuget

C# .NET helper functions supporting dataset site creation, to create something like this example (or any of the other examples listed here).

This package intends to simplify creation of OpenActive Dataset Sites using templates.

For comparison, see the PHP and Ruby implementations.

Please find full documentation that covers creation of the accompanying GitHub issues board at

Table Of Contents


This project requires .NET Framework 4.5 or .NET Standard 2.0.


This library makes use of datasetsite.mustache, which is designed to conform to the Dataset API Discovery specification. Pull requests and suggestions for improvements to datasetsite.mustache are welcome via its GitHub repository.

OpenActive.NET is also used for strongly typed OpenActive models, and Stubble for rendering the dataset site mustache template.

Usage options

Simply call one of the Render methods detailed below to output self-contained HTML of the dataset site, which includes embedded styles.

Simple implementation

RenderSimpleDatasetSite(settings, supportedOpportunityTypes, staticAssetsPathUrl)

Returns a string corresponding to the compiled HTML, based on an embedded version of datasetsite.mustache, the provided settings, and supportedOpportunityTypes.

If staticAssetsPathUrl is provided, the CSP-compatible template is rendered. In this case you must ensure that you are serving the contents of CSP compatible static assets archive v7 at this location.

supportedOpportunityTypes must be a List<OpportunityType>, which auto-generates the metadata associated which each feed using best-practice values.

settings must contain the following object:


Property Type Description
OpenDataFeedBaseUrl Uri The base URL for the open data feeds (must not contain trailing /)
DatasetSiteUrl Uri The URL where this dataset site is displayed (the page's own URL)
DatasetDiscussionUrl Uri The GitHub issues page for the dataset
DatasetDocumentationUrl Uri Any documentation specific to the dataset. Defaults to if not provided, which should be used if no documentation is available .
DatasetLanguages List<string> The languages available in the dataset, following the IETF BCP 47 standard. Defaults to 'en-GB'.
OrganisationName string The publishing organisation's name
OrganisationUrl Uri The publishing organisation's URL
OrganisationLegalEntity string The legal name of the publishing organisation of this dataset
OrganisationPlainTextDescription string A plain text description of this organisation
OrganisationLogoUrl Uri An image URL of the publishing organisation's logo, ideally in PNG format
OrganisationEmail string The contact email of the publishing organisation of this dataset
PlatformName string The software platform's name. Only set this if different from the publishing organisation, otherwise leave as null to exclude platform metadata.
PlatformUrl Uri The software platform's website
PlatformSoftwareVersion string The software platform's software version
BackgroundImageUrl Uri The background image to show on the Dataset Site page
DateFirstPublished DateTimeOffset The date the dataset was first published
OpenBookingAPIBaseUrl Uri The Base URI of this implementation of the Open Booking API
OpenBookingAPIAuthenticationAuthorityUrl Uri The location of the OpenID Provider that must be used to access the API
OpenBookingAPIDocumentationUrl Uri The URL of documentation related to how to use the Open Booking API. Defaults to if not provided, which should be use if no documentation is available.
OpenBookingAPITermsOfServiceUrl Uri The URL of terms of service related to the use of this API
OpenBookingAPIRegistrationUrl Uri The URL of a web page that the Broker may use to obtain access to the API, e.g. via a web form
TestSuiteCertificateUrl Uri The URL of the OpenActive Test Suite certificate for this booking system


public class DatasetSiteController : Controller
    // GET: /openactive/
    public IActionResult Index()
        // Customer-specific settings for dataset JSON (these should come from a database)
        var settings = new DatasetSiteGeneratorSettings
            OpenDataFeedBaseUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetSiteUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetDiscussionUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetDocumentationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetLanguages = new List<string> { "en-GB" },
            OrganisationName = "Better",
            OrganisationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OrganisationLegalEntity = "GLL",
            OrganisationPlainTextDescription = "Established in 1993, GLL is the largest UK-based charitable social enterprise delivering leisure, health and community services. Under the consumer facing brand Better, we operate 258 public Sports and Leisure facilities, 88 libraries, 10 children’s centres and 5 adventure playgrounds in partnership with 50 local councils, public agencies and sporting organisations. Better leisure facilities enjoy 46 million visitors a year and have more than 650,000 members.",
            OrganisationLogoUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OrganisationEmail = "",
            PlatformName = "AcmeBooker",
            PlatformUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            PlatformVersion = "2.0",
            BackgroundImageUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DateFirstPublished = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2019, 01, 14)),
            OpenBookingAPIBaseUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPIAuthenticationAuthorityUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPIDocumentationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPITermsOfServiceUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPIRegistrationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            TestSuiteCertificateUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull()

        var supportedFeeds = new List<OpportunityType> {

        return Content(DatasetSiteGenerator.RenderSimpleDatasetSite(settings, supportedFeeds), "text/html");

Feed-level customisation

RenderSimpleDatasetSiteFromDataDownloads(settings, dataDownloads, dataFeedDescriptions, staticAssetsPathUrl)

Returns a string corresponding to the compiled HTML, based on an embedded version of datasetsite.mustache, the provided settings, dataDownloads and dataFeedDescriptions.

The dataDownloads argument must be a List<OpenActive.NET.DataDownload>, which each describe an available open data feed.

The dataFeedDescriptions must be a List<string> of strings that each describe the dataset, e.g:

var dataFeedDescriptions = new List<string> {

If staticAssetsPathUrl is provided, the CSP-compatible template is rendered. In this case you must ensure that you are serving the contents of CSP compatible static assets archive v7 at this location.


public class DatasetSiteController : Controller
    // GET: /openactive/
    public IActionResult Index()
        // Customer-specific settings for dataset JSON (these should come from a database)
        var settings = new DatasetSiteGeneratorSettings
            OpenDataFeedBaseUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetSiteUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetDiscussionUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetDocumentationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetLanguages = new List<string> { "en-GB" },
            OrganisationName = "Better",
            OrganisationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OrganisationLegalEntity = "GLL",
            OrganisationPlainTextDescription = "Established in 1993, GLL is the largest UK-based charitable social enterprise delivering leisure, health and community services. Under the consumer facing brand Better, we operate 258 public Sports and Leisure facilities, 88 libraries, 10 children’s centres and 5 adventure playgrounds in partnership with 50 local councils, public agencies and sporting organisations. Better leisure facilities enjoy 46 million visitors a year and have more than 650,000 members.",
            OrganisationLogoUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OrganisationEmail = "",
            PlatformName = "AcmeBooker",
            PlatformUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            PlatformVersion = "2.0",
            BackgroundImageUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DateFirstPublished = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2019, 01, 14)),
            OpenBookingAPIBaseUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPIAuthenticationAuthorityUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPIDocumentationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPITermsOfServiceUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPIRegistrationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            TestSuiteCertificateUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull()

        var dataDownloads = new List<DataDownload>
            new DataDownload
                Name = "SessionSeries",
                AdditionalType = new Uri(""),
                EncodingFormat = OpenActiveMediaTypes.RealtimePagedDataExchange.Version1,
                ContentUrl = new Uri(settings.OpenDataFeedBaseUrl + "/session-series"),
                Identifier = "SessionSeries"
            new DataDownload
                Name = "ScheduledSession",
                AdditionalType = new Uri(""),
                EncodingFormat = OpenActiveMediaTypes.RealtimePagedDataExchange.Version1,
                ContentUrl = new Uri(settings.OpenDataFeedBaseUrl + "/scheduled-sessions"),
                Identifier = "ScheduledSession"
            new DataDownload
                Name = "FacilityUse",
                AdditionalType = new Uri(""),
                EncodingFormat = OpenActiveMediaTypes.RealtimePagedDataExchange.Version1,
                ContentUrl = new Uri(settings.OpenDataFeedBaseUrl + "/facility-uses"),
                Identifier = "FacilityUse"
            new DataDownload
                Name = "Slot for FacilityUse",
                AdditionalType = new Uri(""),
                EncodingFormat = OpenActiveMediaTypes.RealtimePagedDataExchange.Version1,
                ContentUrl = new Uri(settings.OpenDataFeedBaseUrl + "/slots"),
                Identifier = "FacilityUseSlot"

        var dataFeedDescriptions = new List<string> {

        return Content(DatasetSiteGenerator.RenderSimpleDatasetSiteFromDataDownloads(settings, dataDownloads, dataFeedDescriptions), "text/html");

Model-level customisation

RenderDatasetSite(dataset, staticAssetsPathUrl)

Returns a string corresponding to the compiled HTML, based on an embedded version of datasetsite.mustache, and the provided dataset.

The dataset argument must be an object of type OpenActive.NET.Dataset, and must contain the properties required to render the dataset site.

If staticAssetsPathUrl is provided, the CSP-compatible template is rendered. In this case you must ensure that you are serving the contents of CSP compatible static assets archive v7 at this location.


public class DatasetSiteController : Controller
    // GET: /openactive/
    public IActionResult Index()
        // Customer-specific settings for dataset JSON (these should come from a database)
        var settings = new DatasetSiteGeneratorSettings
            OpenDataFeedBaseUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetSiteUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetDiscussionUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetDocumentationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DatasetLanguages = new List<string> { "en-GB" },
            OrganisationName = "Better",
            OrganisationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OrganisationLegalEntity = "GLL",
            OrganisationPlainTextDescription = "Established in 1993, GLL is the largest UK-based charitable social enterprise delivering leisure, health and community services. Under the consumer facing brand Better, we operate 258 public Sports and Leisure facilities, 88 libraries, 10 children’s centres and 5 adventure playgrounds in partnership with 50 local councils, public agencies and sporting organisations. Better leisure facilities enjoy 46 million visitors a year and have more than 650,000 members.",
            OrganisationLogoUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OrganisationEmail = "",
            PlatformName = "AcmeBooker",
            PlatformUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            PlatformVersion = "2.0",
            BackgroundImageUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            DateFirstPublished = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2019, 01, 14)),
            OpenBookingAPIBaseUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPIAuthenticationAuthorityUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPIDocumentationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPITermsOfServiceUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            OpenBookingAPIRegistrationUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull(),
            TestSuiteCertificateUrl = "".ParseUrlOrNull()

        var dataFeedHumanisedList = "Sessions and Facilities";

        var dataset = new Dataset
            Id = settings.DatasetSiteUrl,
            Url = settings.DatasetSiteUrl,
            Name = settings.OrganisationName + " " + dataFeedHumanisedList,
            Description = $"Near real-time availability and rich descriptions relating to the {dataFeedHumanisedList.ToLowerInvariant()} available from {settings.OrganisationName}",
            Keywords = new List<string> {
                "Physical Activity",
            License = new Uri(""),
            DiscussionUrl = settings.DatasetDiscussionUrl,
            Documentation = settings.DatasetDocumentationUrl,
            InLanguage = settings.DatasetLanguages,
            SchemaVersion = new Uri(""),
            Publisher = new OpenActive.NET.Organization
                Name = settings.OrganisationName,
                LegalName = settings.OrganisationLegalEntity,
                Description = settings.OrganisationPlainTextDescription,
                Email = settings.OrganisationEmail,
                Url = settings.OrganisationUrl,
                Logo = new OpenActive.NET.ImageObject
                    Url = settings.OrganisationLogoUrl
            Distribution = new List<DataDownload>
                new DataDownload
                    Name = "SessionSeries",
                    AdditionalType = new Uri(""),
                    EncodingFormat = OpenActiveMediaTypes.RealtimePagedDataExchange.Version1,
                    ContentUrl = new Uri(settings.OpenDataFeedBaseUrl + "/session-series"),
                    Identifier = "SessionSeries"
                new DataDownload
                    Name = "ScheduledSession",
                    AdditionalType = new Uri(""),
                    EncodingFormat = OpenActiveMediaTypes.RealtimePagedDataExchange.Version1,
                    ContentUrl = new Uri(settings.OpenDataFeedBaseUrl + "/scheduled-sessions"),
                    Identifier = "ScheduledSession"
                new DataDownload
                    Name = "FacilityUse",
                    AdditionalType = new Uri(""),
                    EncodingFormat = OpenActiveMediaTypes.RealtimePagedDataExchange.Version1,
                    ContentUrl = new Uri(settings.OpenDataFeedBaseUrl + "/facility-uses"),
                    Identifier = "FacilityUse"
                new DataDownload
                    Name = "Slot for FacilityUse",
                    AdditionalType = new Uri(""),
                    EncodingFormat = OpenActiveMediaTypes.RealtimePagedDataExchange.Version1,
                    ContentUrl = new Uri(settings.OpenDataFeedBaseUrl + "/slots"),
                    Identifier = "FacilityUseSlot"
            DatePublished = settings.DateFirstPublished,
            DateModified = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
            BackgroundImage = new ImageObject
                Url = settings.BackgroundImageUrl
            BookingService = settings.PlatformName == null ? null : new BookingService
                Name = settings.PlatformName,
                Url = settings.PlatformUrl,
                SoftwareVersion = settings.PlatformVersion,
                HasCredential = settings.TestSuiteCertificateUrl
            AccessService = settings.OpenBookingAPIBaseUrl == null ? null : new WebAPI
                Name = "Open Booking API",
                Description = $"API that allows for seamless booking experiences to be created for {dataFeedHumanisedList.ToLowerInvariant()} available from {settings.OrganisationName}",
                Documentation = settings.OpenBookingAPIDocumentationUrl ?? new Uri(""),
                TermsOfService = settings.OpenBookingAPITermsOfServiceUrl,
                EndpointUrl = settings.OpenBookingAPIBaseUrl,
                AuthenticationAuthority = settings.OpenBookingAPIAuthenticationAuthorityUrl,
                ConformsTo = new List<Uri> { new Uri("") },
                EndpointDescription = new Uri(""),
                LandingPage = settings.OpenBookingAPIRegistrationUrl

        return Content(DatasetSiteGenerator.RenderDatasetSite(dataset), "text/html");

Total customisation

RenderDatasetSiteWithTemplate(dataset, mustacheTemplate, staticAssetsPathUrl)

Returns a string corresponding to the compiled HTML, based on the supplied version of datasetsite.mustache, and the provided dataset.

The dataset argument must be an object of type OpenActive.NET.Dataset, and must contain the properties required to render the dataset site.

The mustacheTemplate argument must be a string containing the contents of a potentially customised version of datasetsite.mustache.

If the staticAssetsPathUrl argument is provided, it is included in the data passed to the mustache template.

Please note that any customisations must maintain conformance with the Dataset API Discovery specification.