Standard Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Toolset.
This ALTO toolset includes the following basic components:
- ALTO Protocol Parser
- ALTO Client Library
- ALTO Client CLI
- OpenALTO Server Stack
- OpenALTO Data Source Agent Framework
- OpenALTO Data Broker Manager
- OpenALTO Service Backend
- OpenALTO Protocol Northbound
Before you set up an OpenALTO server, make sure you have alto.conf
in one of
the following locations:
You can simply copy our template as an example, or modify it:
$ cp etc/alto.conf.template etc/alto.conf
Quick set up with docker
and docker-compose
$ docker build -t openalto/alto .
$ docker-compose up -d
To deploy openalto without docker, please make sure you have the following required packages:
- Python >= 3.6.8
- Redis
$ pip3 install .
$ pip3 install redis
$ gunicorn -b --reload --preload --capture-output --error-logfile /tmp/openalto-error.log --access-logfile /tmp/openalto-access.log alto.server.northbound.wsgi -D
$ python3 -m alto.agent.manage --pid /tmp start -c etc/lg-agent.json -D cernlg
$ python3 -m alto.agent.manage --pid /tmp start -c etc/cric-agent.json -D cric
$ python3 -m alto.agent.manage --pid /tmp start -c etc/geoip-delegate-agent.json -D geoip
To deploy openalto in kubernetes:
Coming soon...
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.1.5. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see