This is a description of the Trail Power system in OML using the Sierra method.
git clone
cd trailpower-example
Check the consistency of the dataset
./gradlew build
Start the Fuseki triple store
./gradlew startFuseki
Navigate to http://localhost:3030
Verify you see two datasets: trailpower.inf
and trailpower.tdb
Stop the Fuseki triple store
./gradlew stopFuseki
Load the dataset to Fuseki server
./gradlew load
Navigate to http://localhost:3030/#/dataset/trailpower.inf/info
Click on count triples in all graphs
and observe the triple counts
Navigate to http://localhost:3030/#/dataset/trailpower.tdb/info
Click on count triples in all graphs
and observe the triple counts
Run the queries at src/sparql/
./gradlew query
Inspect the results at build/results/trailpower
Assuming you have updated the trailpower
dataset in Fuseki
./gradlew save
Find the updates in the src/oml/
Publish the OML dataset as an archive in the local maven repo
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Inspect the OML archive
ls ~/.m2/repository/io/opencaesar/trailpower