This project provides a Kubernetes operator for managing Flink jobs using a Kratix-backed state store.
- A running Kubernetes cluster
- Kratix see install guide
- Docker environment with the ability to build images for both amd64 or arm64 architectures.
# INPUT tests/test-input/object.yaml
# OUTPUT tests/test-output/
# ENVs see internal/configure-pipeline/.env
export WORKSPACE="<path-to-repo>"
export KRATIX_WORKFLOW_TYPE="promise" or "resource"
cd internal/configure-pipeline
cargo build
cargo test -- --test-threads=1 # 1 thread is required only otherwise it will fail due to file managment
First, build the requisite workflow docker image. Two are available, based on Rust and shell. Both are functionally equivalent.
# rust based pipeline
docker build --tag opencredo/flink-configure-pipeline:dev ./internal/configure-pipeline
# shell based pipeline
docker build --tag opencredo/flink-configure-pipeline:dev ./shell/configure-pipeline
Next, load the image into your docker environment. Using kind:
kind load docker-image opencredo/flink-configure-pipeline:dev --name platform
Apply the promise:
kubectl apply --context $PLATFORM --filename promise.yaml
Now wait until the flink operator is available in the worker cluster:
kubectl --context $WORKER get pods --watch
Now you can fulfil a resource-request as a Flink job:
kubectl apply --context $PLATFORM --filename resource-request.yaml
kubectl --context $PLATFORM get crds
kubectl logs -l=kratix-promise-id=flinkdep -n kratix-platform-system -c flinkdep-promise-pipeline
Deleting the resource:
kubectl delete --context $PLATFORM --filename resource-request.yaml
Deleting the promise:
kubectl delete --context $PLATFORM --filename promise.yaml